

  • Thanks folks - I think maybe a did go a bit overboard and I like the idea of smaller portions / healthier options of what you love. Doing support for my friend on a 50 mile walk (munching all the time in the car) and then my Mum's sunday roast with cake and ice cream did not do me good!! What do you do when you have a…
  • I have had issues with my boobs for years and years and years but I have finally made my peace with them! I haven't met one girl who is happy with their size - everyone wants to be smaller or bigger. I try to think that you get what you're given - unless you're in a lot of pain as I know some girls with very large breasts…
  • When you start doing more exercise, you began building up muscle which weighs more than fat so it is better to measure round your waist and hips and back and keep a track that way. Also, how much water are you drinking hun? I've been struggling to lose those last few inches and someone suggested it might be water retention…
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