Shaynelle Member


  • Hi Ladies, I've read all the posts in this thread and love how supportive it is! I have about 60 lbs to lose and struggling to even start losing. I find it difficult to say no to cravings and yes to exercise. My hurdles are that I work part time, have a young child at home, am a military spouse to a soldier who deploys…
  • That's not uncommon at all! If the aesthetician was surprised by this, and clearly she was if she's mentioning it to other clients, I assume she's fairly new to waxing. She will get used to it after a while. Male and females both react that way sometimes. I can't say that I enjoyed the waxing, certainly not in a sexual…
  • I too do not like confrontation. I think it's rather mean some of the comments that have been made, considering the lady who posted this was simply looking for advice. My suggestion was already mentioned, I would talk to your trainer about it, without mentioning names. Be subtle, which I'm sure you will be, and simply say…
  • Don't dismiss dairy, you may have developed an intolerance not related to UC. I know if I drink a glass of milk I'm running to the bathroom a short while later. But I was fine with milk growing up, and I can have milk in moderation.
  • God, dropping sweets is bad enough it will be difficult to drop carbs as well. I just popped two girl guide cookies in my mouth because I had 357 calories left and thought it would be okay. Bad choice of course, I should not be eating cookies of all things!
  • Blah! You're probably right, I need to go cold turkey. It's going to be difficult but I know I can do it. Tomorrow I'll not add sugar to anything and avoid anything sweet, but I have packed yogourt for lunch and I know it has sugar (I don't like sweeteners) so I will eat that, but other than that I think I should be able…
  • Hi Ladies, I am a 44 year old Mom of one 6 year old. I am happily married, living near Ottawa, Canada. Lately I've really noticed myself age - I look like I am well into my 50's. I'm sure the excess weight has a lot to do with it, but I can't seem to get motivated. A huge problem I have is that I suffer from Ulcerative…
  • This reminded me that I try and stay away from the office gossip. It's actually caused other coworkers to stop inviting me to break time with them. They like to talk a lot about other people at work and I sit there and don't say much when they talk about others. If they are talking about positive things, I happily join in,…
  • Thank you for sharing. Reasons like this are what made me close my facebook account. I made an account under a fake name (so I had my real named account and a false one) in order to go on and joke around and have fun, or tell a dirty joke without people judging me and my husbands business. I was never once mean to anyone.…
  • Hehehee I reverse searched your photo and it came up with some interesting "similar" photos! I won't post here but you may want to check it out. I'm sure it would come up with way worse for me. In fact, I need to go check it out right now, good for a laugh I'm sure :)