Ugly fat pig! Skinny pathetic skeleton! Fat butt slut!



  • Shaynelle
    Shaynelle Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for sharing. Reasons like this are what made me close my facebook account. I made an account under a fake name (so I had my real named account and a false one) in order to go on and joke around and have fun, or tell a dirty joke without people judging me and my husbands business. I was never once mean to anyone. One person, a guy who is extremely lonely, took a liking to my falsely named account, and started talking to me. It soon turned into something I wasn't comfortable with - him asking me to his house (even after I insisted many times I was married and that would never happen, me visiting him). He pushed it and pushed it to the point I told him it was a fake account. He went ballistic and found out what my real name is, and him and his friends started saying really mean things, making up lies about me, pm'ing me with rude things and, worse, saying things in public groups about me.

    I understand the guy was surprised by the fake account, but it's not like I was mean to him or lead him on or was mean to anyone. His friends and him were relentless, so I cancelled even my real facebook account. I was tired of not only his friends and him bullying me, but I noticed on facebook a lot of people seem to constantly say mean things in facebook groups. I don't see this type of thing going on when I go out anywhere, or go to a party. I don't understand how anyone could be so cruel to others, in person or online.
  • Shaynelle
    Shaynelle Posts: 12 Member
    This reminded me that I try and stay away from the office gossip. It's actually caused other coworkers to stop inviting me to break time with them. They like to talk a lot about other people at work and I sit there and don't say much when they talk about others. If they are talking about positive things, I happily join in, but when the conversations changes to negativity, I clam up. I don't want to talk poorly of others. So I go alone for breaks or work through them. Better than listening to negativity.
  • Dig_Deeper
    Thank you all! I thought for sure this thread was dead by now(it was on page four yesterday). I've deiced to reply to everyone with a personal message so I don't continuously bump this topic to the top. I should be able to reply to everyone within the next week or two(I've already started). I thought I could do it sooner but I'm really hard pressed for time. You all take care! :flowerforyou:
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Thank you for your post! I feel much the same way! You should always take others feelings into consideration when saying something about them or to them.

    I have been teaching my daughters to deal with the bullying that they face on a daily well as my nephews. A lot of parents do not teach their kids to be kind to others...or even try to. My sis has a kid that bullies but not shaming bodies...because he has seen me and my sister as well as my daughters dealing with it in his life. We are working with him trying to show him how to is very hard.

    There is a child that loves to taunt him daily...his rival enemy..a smaller child that runs his mouth constantly. He follows my nephew home from school and tells him about me and my sister being fat on and on, talking about my children as well. I am tempted to talk to the other child's mother about his calling names and so forth but from past experiences I know she will do nothing.

    The other day he was doing the name-calling thing...and I had no idea about it...had talked to my sis over the phone about going for a walk. When I show up there with my kids and neighbor kids in tow. He thinks that my nephew had told on him so he decides to follow us and taunt...My sis and I took pics of him following and video of his attitude and let the other kids know not to be bothered that if he follows for five more minutes we were calling the cops for harassment. His friends overheard the comment and made him leave. Keep in mind this child is about ten years old. There is nothing I can do about it and his mother won't do anything. I figure if we report him to the police enough something will be done.

    But bullying comes every day from one source or another. Yes I've lost 100 lbs. I'm still not to goal...does that mean I deserve to be treated that way no...and believe me if the kid was an adult...I would have been tempted to show him what my boxing does for me. LOL But what can you do but report it to the proper authorities and build a thick skin. I refuse to lower myself to that level and call names back..Police are the way to go in this instance. I will talk to the mother..but I also will talk to the police if this keeps up any longer. Its gotten out of control.

    This is just one example of the bullying my children and nephews face...but there are more. My youngest has gotten to where she ignores all other children around her...and doesn't have any friends.

    Life is tough for everyone..but I try to keep my kids positive and yes I take them out for walks..and we play, we dance. We have fun! And ignore the other children that can't be positive around us.

    That's how I run my life...keep the positive and push out all negative attitudes. Hopefully it helps them to learn that they don't have to listen to other people's opinions on their lives...because it is their lives! :)
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    What a wonderful post; thanks for taking the time to write it. Your wife is a lucky lady, and bless you for your kind, caring heart. We can only hope there are many more people in the world who treat folks the way you do, rather than the ones who are cruel.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I have been teaching my daughters to deal with the bullying that they face on a daily basis

    While I certainly wouldn't disagree that's it's bad to be nasty to others, I also think people tend to ignore that life often IS nasty generally and that often can't be avoided.
    To much it seems people won't make any decent effort to help the indivdual learn to solve problems themselves and also to live with that live life not always been roses.

    And yes I DO have personal experience of such.
  • albionjen
    albionjen Posts: 86 Member
    Thank you for sharing this! When I read about your wife being a cryer, I knew I would but read it anyway and glad I did. I've never been mercilessly teased to my face, but I have always had a way of keeping people a little scared of me Lol. However, the times when people have belittled me will forever be in my memory. As a awkward, chubby 5th grader waiting for the bus I fell on my butt one day...and a popular 7th grade boy laughed and told everyone there that I bounced. Might not sound like a big deal to most people, but I was mortified and it stuck with me for a long time. Just an example of how something "little" can really have a significant impact on others. More recently, I was participating in my first big organized bike ride with a group of other not skinny women, and another woman actually passed by us before the start singing "I like big butts". So I said, "well so does my boyfriend (now husband) at the front of the pack." And even though I know she was the one with the problem, I mean what is wrong with people that make themselves feel better by trying to make other people feel bad?? I still couldn't help it bothering me a little. And I had a very abusive ex that used my weight against me all the time even though I was never very big, but again he was the one with the problem. With everything i have been through, I realize it is nothing compared to what so many other people go through every day. And it just breaks my heart because I never want to be someone that causes pain to another, I just wish more people felt like I do. We all need a reminder sometimes to be the light too. You may not go around insulting people, but do you spread joy? I know that when I do, I get to experience a happiness that I can't on my own. Show everyone you meet a little love, you never know how much they need it or what might come back your way:flowerforyou:

    I just wanted to say there is nothing wrong with a big bum. I have even sung that song to myself while looking in the mirror, I have a big but and I cannot lie! Proud of my big but and gained this through serious effort in the gym nowadays :happy: I remember hearing in the street when I was 50+ lb heavier that someone commented (rudely) that my *kitten* was huge. But even then I was glad that was where my weight lay more anywhere else lol! I was even sad when it shrank proportionally as I lost weight! Oh well, can't choose where we lose weight.

    I did suffer from bullying when a teen, although not related to my weight. And I know the hurt it can cause long in to your adult years. Hope you and everyone else commenting here find a way to accept your figure whatever the size or shape. We are all striving to make ourselves the best we can be and that deserves plaudits in itself. It does not matter one bit what anyone else says about our efforts or body size/shape, what matters most is feeling happy with who we are and how we live our life. Just my honest opinion.

    Edit to correct typo
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    What a great post! I wish there were more people like you in the world :). I've been on the receiving end of such comments from family, friends, exes, etc and it definitely takes a toll on a person.
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    It is so beautiful and refreshing to see a guy who thinks this way, thank you <3

    I don't know what the hell is wrong with seems like they LIVE for making others feel bad about themselves, especially some men against women (not saying this is the only case, but it's the one I'm most familiar with)
    Too skinny? Oh, you look like a boy, you have no curves, eat a burger, you're just bones
    Too voluptuous? Get naked!!! Show me your *%(!#!!!! Lose weight, but don't lose your curves!!
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    Great share. I can't believe you met three women who all had "connecting" stories. It was meant for you to be reminded of the importance of kindness and to remind others the same. Thanks for being a kind hearted person!
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    Too skinny? Oh, you look like a boy, you have no curves, eat a burger, you're just bones
    Too voluptuous? Get naked!!! Show me your *%(!#!!!! Lose weight, but don't lose your curves!!

    Amen, sister.