slimmerandshine Member


  • Count me in! I'm so excited about this! CW = 194 Christmas goal = 174
  • Thank you all so much!! Looking forward to getting to know you guys!
  • Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone! I tend to wear songs out pretty quickly so I'm currently playing a lot of the songs from the Step Up 4 soundtrack -- for something upbeat, try: - Hands in the Air (Ne-Yo and Flo-Rida) - Dance Without You (Skylar Grey) - Live My Life (I think Justin Bieber is in it? not sure - my…
  • I already drink water like it's my job (I live in SE Asia so I have to compensate for the humidity!) -- I just opened up my 4th 950 ml bottle of the day and it's only 1 pm here! I've been copping out on my cardio this week, though, so my goal for the week will be to complete my daily exercise goals in full Tues-Friday this…
  • Hi! My name is Kellie, I'm 23 and my SW was 215. CW: 200 Goal for Halloween: 180 Costume idea: Not sure yet! Maybe if I look good enough I'll just pull a Mean Girls and do lingerie and animal ears. :) This is my first MFP group -- happy to be here! Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hi! I'm Kellie - I'm 5'11" and 23 SW: 210 CW: 198 current GW: 180 by mid-October UGW: 170 ish? Would love some friends on here to help me to stay motivated and accountable -- I have some big goals coming up!