

  • I'm between 5'11" and 6'0" (its a CONSTANT debate) and my UGW is 155. Before my son I stayed around 180-185 but the lowest I got to was 165 and I LOVED it! I still had quite a bit of toning to do and some jiggle around my waist so I think 155 would be perfect. Perfect for me of course. Everyone will always have an opinion…
  • Omg! I just updated my profile in settings like you said and it took away 20 of my calories! (Which really sucks because I can't exercise this week!):sad:
  • @sarjoy I also eat when I'm not hungry. I think it becomes a habit. Something I did before that helped was wearing a braclet. IT WAS NOT A BRACELET REPRESENTING AN EATING DISORDER. It was something I made myself with beads I got from Walmart and it reminded me to think of why I was eating what I was about to eat: Was I…
  • @pteach Well friends it is! I am very upbeat and love motivating as well as receiving it because I'm not always as "on task" as I should be. The donut I had for breakfast wasn't my best choice. But like you said in the first post, cold turkey is not the key. I know my major problem is indulging in sweets but if I were to…
  • Omg! Thank you all so much! Not only do I like MFP but the people here are amazing as well! It feels so crazy to have so much support from strangers when I hardly have it from the people closest to me. Again, thank you all and if I can offer any support to anyone, to chat or just to listen I AM HERE!! Feel free to add me…