cheryhol Member


  • HappyGrape, I took a class here at my job, and they told us to drink H2 Orange all day long as much as you want and it will level out your blood sugar and keep you energized. Mix 4 oz non concentrated orange juice (like Tropicana) to 32 oz water. You can mix a little crystal light drink mix to it to give it some taste. It…
  • emmajane2211, just start out walking. I lost 36 lbs in 2005 by just walking, and at the time I was 285 lbs and I could only walk 15 min a day, but I was going to do it no matter what. Just put it in your schedule each day to just walk and it will make a world of difference. hope that helps.
  • One more thing, remember to track everything you eat and drink. I lost back in 2005 and 2010, but went back to my old normal, instead of imbracing my new normal; my new way of eating. So, I'm starting over again just like you. I have been back on MFP for 2 weeks now. Remember "If but bit it, write it!" TRACK, TRACK,…
  • Hi. I'm just starting as well. I have 62 lbs to lose to get me below 200 lbs, so I'm really trying to do my best to stay focused. Please be encouraged. I will be posting each day as I can to help you stay motivated as well as keep myself motivated. You can do this, just remember that.
  • Good morning,. Since you are just starting why don't you try just doing cardio for now, at least for the next 12 weeks and then add weights into your plan. I did that the first time I lost weight and I lost 36 lbs in 12 weeks. All I was doing was walking everyday at least 45 min to an hour. Try this it works........don't…