Just want to chime in and say you are doing a GREAT job! I don't know what your exercise program is but if you are feeling bored and constricted on the "diet" front you may want to change your focus to the exercise/activity half of the equation. Set a goal for yourself, a 5K, a warrior dash, a mountain to climb, or a new…
I'm pretty sure everything on this site was created by people who were high :)
Hey there thats a pretty normal thing to experience, My teachers have told me don't worry about it, when you realize it is happening just refocus on your breathing and the pose and continue, and when/if it happens again just rinse and repeat, with practice it will probably happen less as time goes by but we all have…
Cold Turkey. It costs nothing (at the time I had no money), and the only side effect is the weeping. :tongue: I agree it is one of the toughest things to do and TOTALLY worth it. I was a 2 pack per day-er and it is one of my major life accomplishments to have quit and have it completely out of my life I also agree that…
I can do "plow" pose at yoga without smothering in my own belly fat:laugh: :laugh:
These things DO happen! don't let it psych you out. If you are struggling with food issues then weighing in only once a week is better. Every day, or worse multiple times a day is gonna play with your head (you will lose that game) I have the same problem with running. I can do much longer periods of time than I would have…