itslillers Member


  • I just started P90X today as well! I just finished Insanity a few weeks ago so I may end up doing a little hybrid in a couple weeks.
  • jakieKo621 I definitely feel a difference in my body too!! I'm excited to finish out month 1 this week and looking forward to recovery next week. Is everyone following the meal plan? I've been just trying to eat healthy 5/6 days a week and allow myself a cheat meal, which usually ends up on the weekend, especially with…
  • Thanks for giving me all that info! Yeah about 4 years ago I herniated my disc and have been recovering from that ever since. A lot of the fluid has leaked out since then so the space in the bottom disc has halved in size and ultimately, this has to last me for the rest of my life (I'm only 23!), so I have to (forever) be…
  • May I ask what your schedule is with the Insanity/Ripped in 30 Hybrid? I also have lower back issues and after a couple of days of Insanity (I'm on Day 3), my lower back is definitely sore! The moves are much more intense on the back. I honestly don't know if I can finish Insanity doing those moves! When I woke up this…
  • I was thinking about starting Insanity or maybe Shred It with Weights! But I haven't decided yet!
  • I definitely feel ya! It's so frustrating when going out to eat with friends who don't necessarily watch what they eat. But I agree with the others, just bring your own snack or eat something beforehand and maybe just order coffee or tea while you're there with your friends.
  • I took my measurements today and lost about 3.4 inches overall in my body over the past month! Woo! And about 4 pounds down!
  • W4D7 DONE! I'm going to attempt to do a few more days of it (til the 31st), but I acted like today was the last day and gave it my all (and nearly felt like puking in the middle of it). I may not have time Friday or Saturday to do it, but I will definitely do it again tomorrow and Sunday. I can definitely see and feel the…
  • W4D5 DONE! ALMOST done!! So crazy. I think I'm going to try to do 2 more days of level 4, then officially take my weight and measurements on Wednesday to see my 1 month progress. Those chataranga push ups are still killing me every day! But I know my triceps are getting stronger! Anyone else struggle with the scissor…
  • I do eat back most of my exercise calories (I tend to stop at about 100-200 left just in case there's some error in measurement)! Some days I don't, but it's never on purpose. For instance, if I burn about 500 calories, then I try to consume about 1500-1600 calories to make it a net 1200 calories, or as close to as I can.…
  • I find that on occasion Ripped still puts some strain on the knees. I can definitely feel it while I'm doing it and a little bit after, but it's never affects me painfully after or the day after!
  • Just did Week 4 Day 1 today. Umm.. I was struggling so bad! My triceps are still burning. I may just finish off the rest of July with Level 4 b/c while I may have felt strong at level 3, now I feel like a little weakling!
  • Good to know! I was feeling a little guilty about having my dessert about an hour ago, but I'm still technically under my calorie deficit. I usually stay up til around 12-1am anyway.
  • I took a rest day after Day 1 of Level 3, then after Day 4. Today was Day 5 and those duck crawls will seriously be the death of me. I can't wait to be done with Level 3 tomorrow. My right calf/just leg in general has been more sore than the left. *sigh. i'm also terrified of Level 4 though... Ahh it's coming to an end…
  • I think I'm taking a rest day today. Level 3 really (literally) kicked my *kitten* and now my lower body has been paying for it today. I don't think I can complete Day 2 until tomorrow, but I will definitely try and give it a go later in the evening.
  • I started Level 3 today! At some point, I thought my arms were going to fall off. The bright side? I'm starting to see progress in my arms! I will definitely take my measurements soon just to verify my eyes haha.
  • W2D6 done! I think I'm going to watch Level 3 tonight to decide whether or not I want to continue onto level 3 or keep going with level 2. I felt like I had a really good workout today in comparison to yesterday. Still doing the modified versions of the plank jacks and mountain climbers, yet they still kiiiiiiill me on the…
  • W2D5 done! I took a rest day yesterday, but today my right butt muscle is really tight and it was really difficult to do the pendulum lunges and any sort of move that put a lot of pressure on the right butt, haha. Let's hope this is just a fluke and not an injury :/
  • My scale hasn't budged very much either in the past 2 months. It's really frustrating.
  • W2D2 done! My upper body is so sore (yes still store even though I do modified versions of push ups)!!! I was definitely confused yesterday but today I found the moves to be fairly doable, except for those plank jacks and mountain climbers in the first cardio round. I always start to do them and even in the modified…
  • I started Level 2 today and oh man.. all those plank moves are so difficult! I feel it so much in my back. Definitely need to practice more and try to move the pressure towards my abs.
  • HAHA I totally feel the same way! I suddenly feel very aware of my stomach flopping around every time! I finished 5 days of Level 1. I can't decide if I should start Level 2 tomorrow or continue to do a Day 6 at level 1. I'm thinking to start at Level 2 though, because I'm no longer sore from level 1 (like I was after the…
  • I'm new too and also Asian!
  • I just started Ripped in 30 on June 28; today is Day 4 of Week 1 for me! I'm excited to see the results at the end of this. The 30 Day Shred didn't give me all the results I wanted, but I did still lose inches. However this time around, I feel like Ripped in 30 is going to kick my *kitten* - seeing as I have been dripping…