A few more that I missed. 9. Weigh yourself every couple days. I've heard that's not a good idea, but I believe it helps keep you accountable. 10. Find people who are in the same boat you are. It's so much easier when you work as a team compared to being an individual. If you're slipping, find someone to have a small…
I work in IT and sit for roughly between 6-7hrs a day in the office and here are my tips after 10 years of the yoyo weight gain/loss. 1. Move, get up and walk around. 2. When people bring in sweets, which they always do in an office, do not join in, be that person everyone hates because they aren't eating junk with the…
I think it's a great goal to have. Try to get to that weight, but re-evaluate as you go, you may look stellar at 110 ;)
I would reccomend doing squats and lunges a couple times a week and also do a lot of cardio along with weights. Don't use the olypical for your cardio, I personally think that's the worst piece of equipment in the gym! Try taking a spin class or use the treadmil, or the stair climber. Running is good for your abs, gluets,…
There's less sugar eating a doughnut. Why not start your day off eating 2 doughnuts instead of 1 poptart, there's less calories in them? Oh and these have to be the worst thing ever invented for a kids breakfast, come on now, really? Anything prepackaged that has a very long shelf life and filled with sugar isn't worth…
I think even if it's a cheat day you still need to make good choices, so looking at the calorie intake is still a good idea, this way it opens your eyes a bit and maybe changes your mind to order something that could be a bit less, even if its by 100 calories. Cheat days do help us keep our sanity, just justify it by…
Agreed. Leading causes of high cholestorol is from animal products. Try to introduce more fruits and veg's and whole grains, and eat less meat, even try implementing tofu as an option over meat. Watch the movie Forks Over Knives, it sheds some good insight into a whole foods plant based diet. Just because we look like we…
Are your diary share settings to public? It really helps when friends can review your food diary and can give suggestions on how to better what you're eating :)
I saw someone post this great quote on here a while ago "it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks and don't quit.", something to think about. It's really all about diet for those lower abs to show as it's…
I went what I liked to call "Part Time" Vegan over a year ago. Part time basically means that I've phased out all dairy, but I'm having a tough time fully staying away from meat, so I do still eat it 1-2 times a week. If you need help with recipes or switching over try the whole foods 28 day challenge, all the recipes are…
Try watching the movie "forks over knives" that's what gave me the incentive to start eating a certain way and the weight just fell off. It's not a diet but a lifestyle change which is what losing weight should be all about and that's how you also keep it off.
Best advice with avoiding sugar...cut out the refined sugars and don't worry about avoiding sugars that occur naturally.
I had a look at your diary and it didn't look like a lot of real food. Try phasing out all the fiber bars and get your fiber from veggies, also if you make a shake in the morning, put a tbs of psyillium husk in, which is pure fiber, that will be enough for a days worth of fiber. I phased dairy out of my diet all together…
Eat when you're hungry, listen to your body, just make sure that you eat the right things. I always bring extra's to work and leave them at my desk: mixed nuts, vega protein powder or protein bars, those little tins of falvored tuna and even sometimes fruit. A lot of the time when you're hungry you just need to be…