hannah_d1989 Member


  • Thanks for your reply, yes the exercise are more plyometric- lots of jumps squats! Well actually, I think it is muscle gain in my lower thighs now that I think about it. I do feel a bit "tougher" there! I have stubborn inner thigh fat so can't see any changes there yet! So as for the pounds possibly being water from the…
  • What kind of cleanse did you do if u don't mind me asking? Sounds like a good idea really
  • Hi guys, curious about this! Do you get your carbs from bread, rice etc, or do you prefer to go for the carbs from veges, nuts etc? I am currently eating 20-30 grams of carbs per day... wondering whether having a few high carb days might be good to switch things up! did anyone find they actually got more results from…
  • I'm interested in this topic also! I understand how discouraging it can be. I am still keeping up a good diet and exercise, but don't have heaps to lose so is very difficult! I am now testing out whether cutting out my food intolerance completely may help (woops shouldn't be having them!!!) Best of luck to you
  • Thanks for all the replies. People really do have their views on low carb don't they! I don't feel deprived eating low carb, so don't feel I will ever need to go back to eating the way I was. Of course I will allow myself a treat every now and then, who doesn't! great to know that those of you who have done it have had…
  • Yup your right- cutting carbs helps you lose water weight- I never lost weight easily so losing any was fantastic! Richardhealth- I am quite happy eating low carbs, thanks. Everybody is different, and just wondered what people thought who were actually ON a low carb diet, and how it worked for them.
  • Cutting carbs did help for me actually! I eat the same amount of calories, and cut back on carbs and lost weight. Just didnt do a think to the stomach unfortunately.
  • I don't go near the scales when its my TOM. I know I gain, mu tummy looks so much larger. I still don't even weigh myself too soon after, I like to wait about a week to I know the result is accurate!
  • Yup I'm a bride to be! Getting married this November. I really only have 5-6 pounds to go, but its hanging on alright! Have lost about 13 pounds over 5 months. Any brides to be feel free to add me to discuss weight loss ideas or anything wedding related!! :)
  • I'm in the same situation... it sucks! Although have heard that this is common as the body prepares to let go of the fat... I have been on my diet for 3 weeks, and measured after 2 weeks with no change yet a good loss. Have decided to hold of both weighing in and measuring for a little while and give my body more time to…
  • I am currently doing low carb. I too have tried many diets, and this one seems to be the best for me. I enjoy the foods i'm eating, and have been losing weight quicker than any other diets. I have decided to hold of weighing in for a few weeks, and seem to feel that after losing quickly on this diet, it has now slowed down…
  • Thanks for all the replies! So I have measured now, and I was correct that there was no inch loss. But like someone mentioned, I probably did lose water weight. I changed my eating habits about 4 months ago. Although, only been on the LCHF diet for around 3 weeks. Lost more weight but not in the measurements. Some days I…
  • I don't think your sister is wrong! I understand that people see weight loss as just a calorie deficit, but for some people there's a bit more too it. For me, it took me 4 months to lose 3.5 kg with a very healthy diet. Then, eating the same amount of calories but changing what I ate so that I had much less carbs, I lost…
  • hey so no one out there has experienced this?!?!
  • I was the same, ate around 1200 calories and was hungry and hated it! I changed up what foods I ate, and upped calories to 1500. I actually lost weight quicker this way. Good luck!
  • My face always slims down before I lose weight. It seems to be the first thing that comes off...and the stubborn parts last of course! u may find u r about to lose weight, fingers crossed :)
  • Hi! I am doing low carb too :) like you, I am enjoying it and not craving as much! I only have 10 pounds max to lose, and have been on this diet for 2 weeks with no loss. Hoping anyone else in a similar situation can reassure me the weight will come off eventually!!!