charl100 Member


  • peanut butter on toast followed by a banana is a good one, or chop the banana up onto the toast (dry) and drizzle a bit of honey on, the good stuff too! I generally have a bowl of pickable fruit like grapes, blueberries and cherries and a glass of grapefruit juice, really becuase its just so easy!! but really if you wake…
  • oh i went to my first Zumba class on thursday! I was nervous at first about feeling self conscious and not knowing the moves, but the instructor was really good and even if i didn't get it, as long as you move in time to the music you'll be fine! i think as you learn the steps you can really throw yourself into it, i like…
  • Thanks everyone! the response so quickly is quite overwhelming, its amazing to know there always support from someone when i need it. I will defo try the diet coke and the gum ideas! i just need to give it time i guess and not give up so easily. I went for a run this morning so hopefully that will help! thanks again