

  • glad to see the chart updated!! yay!!! looking forward to next week's challenge so we can all work towards meeting our Christmas goals!!
  • CW 178 I was having some motivation issues just b/c the weight isn't coming off as fast as I'd like, but I know slow and steady losses will get me to where I want/need to be and help me to maintain once I do. It's also been a boost to see people recently that I haven't seen since I started losing weight...the compliments…
  • CW...178.5 so excited to be back in the 170s...been a very long time since I've seen them. Have seen several folks this week that I haven't seen since I started losing and they flooded me w/compliments. it felt so good!!!! definitely motiviation to keep it all up!!! have a great weekend everyone!!
  • i've lost 28 at this point and can definitely see a difference (and i've been having others say the same). i'd say it was around 15 lbs that i really started noticing. the thing is, to yourself and those that see you often, it's not always as obvious. if you've got a pic from before you started losing, take it and then…
  • hope you're quickly recovering from irene!!! take care!!
  • Here are my measurements for this time and last... CURRENT 7/25 Bust 41 44 Waist 35 36 Hips 46 48 Thigh 23.5 24 Arm 11.5 12
  • CW: 182...will measure and post this p.m. or tomorrow a.m. I've had a busy week so I JUST got on and saw the week's challenge...will get my butt in gear and get the plies in today and tomorrow (already did 10 after watching the video!). I've got to get busy so I can meet this challenge by 12/25!! I found out this week that…
  • sorry to hear about all the stuff you have going on. still, even though the weight loss hasn't been the healthiest, you can still focus on making it last and changing a few things to be healthier as you lose. take care of yourself!
  • Glad to see lots of losses!! Small or large, either way, a loss is wonderful!! And to those with some gains...we all have those weeks--just stay on the wagon and things will turn around!! I did well with the crunches this week, and I stuck my $5 back, but I didn't always get my sleep in. I'm hoping that in the next few…
  • CW: 182.4 Another pound down...woo hoo!! :) Slow and steady wins the race, right? lol Busy week w/the kids starting back to school and me as well, but things are still going well. I'm looking forward to getting my schedule organized and starting to do C25K b/c I'd like to run one this fall/winter.
  • great challenge this week, jenn! def need to work on the belly here (in hopes of finding the abs!! lol). good reminder to take remaining lbs and divide...eye opener!! :) and i hope to do well with the sleep challenge...i start back to RN school tomorrow, so my fingers are crossed i can get some shut eye!!
  • CW: 183.4 Love this week's challenges...I will definitely be sticking $5 back a week...and it will be going to some new clothes. I've been scouring the thrift stores around looking for some stuff for now... fave jeans are hanging off me now and I just don't want to put any real $$ into some new clothes until I'm down to my…
  • CW: 184.4 hectic week, so thankful for the small loss. have less than two weeks left before i start back to RN school, but i'm looking forward to getting back into it. i'm also looking forward to it b/c when i get some of my scholarship money, i'm going to re-join the gym!!! i have racked up $5000 worth of scholarships for…
  • AWESOME!!! I felt the same way when I got below it for the LAST TIME!! :)
  • Thanks for the hard work, Jenn! Hope you're feeling better...good call on listening to your body...we should all do that more often! Looking forward to the burpees...they look kinda ugly, so I'm glad to know there's a beginner's version to start with...definitely need to get my butt movin' and those look like they'll do…
  • seeing some great losses!! congrats to the group and remember that even if you didn't log a loss this week, we're in this for the long haul and we've got plenty of time left in this challenge to lose the weight!! keep up the good work and stay motivated!!
  • Week one...down to 185! It was a hectic week w/a test on Monday and a final yesterday for the summer semester in RN school, so I was so excited to see a loss. I just bought my tape measure this a.m., so I'll get that done for the chart for starting measurements. I didn't log much this week and I usually do a good job at…
  • SW 205 CW 186.8 Christmas goal 160 will buy a measuring tape tomorrow...didn't realize mine was MIA until today when i went to get my measurements!
  • you definitely have to find something to keep you from being bored! i have struggled with this in the past...bored or stressed and i'd be in the kitchen looking. now if i find myself in the kitchen and i'm not really hungry, i get a glass of ice water and a piece of fruit and leave the kitchen. i usually sit down and start…
  • this sounds like a perfect challenge to be involved in!! five months is plenty of time to make some big changes and see results. so far i have just used MFP to track my caloric intake, but i've been wanting to get involved on the boards, so i'm glad to have found this. woodyschic: i'm a 5'4", 33 yr old mom to two boys (5…
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