auntjenny74 Member


  • Same here, but it was not the case before I was on BCP. I used to be a standard 5-lb-TOM-bloater. I am on a low-estrogen pill and my "off" week has me down at least a couple pounds below my "on" weeks.
  • I eat the same breakfast, lunch and snack during the work week. Having that decision already made for me makes it way easier for me to stick with my plan. It is essentially the same reasoning I use for working out in the morning before work. If my day begins after I have a run under my belt, I have fewer opportunities or…
  • Hi! I have been vegetarian for a very long time. I get most of my protein from whole grains and beans and Greek yogurt at this point. You're welcome to peek at my diary although my only real variation during the work week is dinner and snackies. Feel free to friend me or ask any questions as well.
  • Is the dog stopping to poop or is she just sniffing something? Is she stopping to poop now? Poop or sniff? Please don't let her see that bunny across the road.
  • Main workout happens first thing in the morning. I also take a walk, usually with at least part of the family, after dinner.
  • I love working out in the mornings because it sets me in the right state of mind for the rest of the day. I get up between 5 and 5:30 M-Sa to run.
  • I weigh daily and log only when I lose.
  • Howdy! - Do you wear compression socks? Nah - I am pretty old school minimalist - How many "official" races have you participated in? Maybe 30-40? - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? slooooooow - Do you run in the AM or PM? Morning. I am an early bird! - What's your deal? 38 years old, married 8 years, mama to a…
  • Hi! I am training for my first half since 2009, plan on running my second full next April! Feel free to add me!
  • I get up between 5 and 5:30 in the morning and run with the dog. When I get home in the evening we take a post-dinner walk as a family. Usually I push the baby in the stroller and my 5 year old rides his bike or scooter and my husband walks the dog. On weekends we do a "jammie walk" in the mornings which is essentially a…
  • I should also mention that eliminating common migraine triggers helps keep my more severe episodes at bay. This could be what is going on with you since it started with pregnancy, as it can have hormonal links. I don't get migraines but my spells are caused by triggers that cause migraines or seizures in other people.…
    in Dizzy Comment by auntjenny74 July 2012
  • I've had constant vertigo of varying degree since September 2006. Like you, there has been no specific medical cause for it determined. It is assumed that it is labyrinthitis that never healed, essentially inner ear issues that resulted in permanent damage. The thing that helped me the most, though it was brutal, was…
    in Dizzy Comment by auntjenny74 July 2012
  • I am using it as a bit of a jumpstart, something to get me back in the routine of mindful eating and exercise. I did a 2 week span of shakes for breakfast and lunch and have now moved on to a high protein breakfast of real food and a shake for lunch. I have found that the "reset" was helpful in making me realize that I…
  • I do. It helps me stay motivated and helps me understand the effect that certain foods or situations have on my body. Yesterday, for example I did a ton of yardwork and was fairly sore this morning, and sure enough, that soreness had a couple pounds of swelling water weight to go with it. I find it a great way to receive…
  • My husband has been a stay at home parent since our son was born 4.5 years ago. He takes care of the bulk of household duties (laundry, dishes, cleaning) but I help where I can because it is a PITA to have to do everything all the time. I pay bills and cook because those are things that I like to have control over. I don't…
  • Mr. or Ms. put the mostly empty coffeepot back without brewing a new pot or turning off the burner.
  • I have 2 young biracial children and a pool, so summer can be a real hair challenge at my house! I follow the curly girls method for both of them - at this point I only use shampoo once a month if they start to feel greasy, but I clean/moisturize their hair daily with a silicone-free conditioner (we like Suave Naturals or…
  • I usually start my weekly shopping at the farmer's market. Getting produce that is fresh and seasonal is always affordable there and I love having a relationship with the people who grow my food. Once I stock up on produce I form my menu for the upcoming week and make my list from there. The more fresh fruits and veggies…
  • Honestly, we just play. My oldest is 4 so I am sure it will evolve to more organized activities, but right now we: Play "can't catch me" I run with the stroller and the 4 year old rides his bike Swim Dance Climb on the playground equipment See who can run faster, climb higher, jump higher, etc. Kick around the soccer ball
  • I don't eat raw but I do eat clean most of the time, although this week has not been one of my better ones. I have young kids at home and a full time job so I try and spend as little time in the kitchen possible so I can have more time with my family. I start with lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I have a membership in a…
  • This is me at 150. In my profile pic I am about 158. I am 5'7
  • I am mostly vegan but not raw. I became veg years ago because I was grossed out by eating meat. I don't really see a difference between eating a cow, roadkill or my cat. Eggs don't appeal to me so I avoid them. My move to totally vegan was medically necessary because I discovered dairy is a migraine trigger for me (along…
  • I had quinoa with cherries and a splash of maple syrup
  • It gives me the same cravings but I often use it as a reward to myself for a day of healthy eating. I eat it right before bed and sleep off the related cravings. :)
  • I have a rule that fruit is fair game any time. If you're truly hungry then by all means, grab an apple/peach/strawberry and have at it. If it is boredom eating then fruit won't satisfy. At structured snack time I usually offer a protein + grain (PB and crackers, yogurt and berries with graham crackers, cheese and…
  • I haven't, but I tend to be pretty skeptical of cleanses. I believe our bodies are made to detox themselves, and if I am eating whole foods and lots of fruits and veggies, it can do so efficiently and effectively on its own.
  • Different bodies respond differently. As long as you are still losing and feeling good while doing so, then by all means keep eating the pasta in moderation. I don't think carbs are the enemy but I do try to avoid the "white carbs" for the most part, subbing whole grains for the white flours whenever possible.
  • I love tea! I can't speak to metabolism, but a hot mug of tea is my go-to food when I am having a particular snacky/hungry day. It makes me feel full and satisfied so I don't mindlessly snack my progress away.
  • Couscous is one of my favorite one-pot meal go-to foods. Among others, I have it with: *lime juice, cumin, salsa and black beans *chickpeas, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, spinach and raisins *cannelini beans, sundried tomatoes, artichoke hearts and mushrooms *kidney beans, green and red bell peppers, diced tomatoes and chili…
  • Hi! I love in southern Indiana, work in northern Kentucky.