auntjenny74 Member


  • Another lacto-ovo vegetarian here! I have been doing this for 3 months or so. It is definitely a challenge. I give myself a little more wiggle room - trying to keep under 50 total carbs daily, but I feel like I have been pretty successful so far. The gains I have had in energy and focus and the reductions in…
  • My rash is always at the crook of my elbows, super itchy, and little watery blisters that bleed pretty easily. Sounds like it may be something different, but it sounds like another very useful side effect!
  • You know, Dani, now that you mention it, my face has been remarkably clear too! I hadn't realized that.
  • I'm not around a whole lot, but I have been vegetarian for 11 years and working at low carb for a couple months, successfully for just a few weeks after working out the kinks. :smiley: I suck at tracking but am always on the lookout for ideas!
  • Hi there! I'm 41 with kids who are 8 and 4. I do all my meal planning and shopping, and a fair bit of the weekday cooking on weekends so that dinners fall into place easily during the week.
  • That is pretty much EXACTLY what I am talking about!
  • I've never had an issue with Zyrtec affecting my weight loss. I have, on the other hand, had a lot of problems with ice cream doing so.
  • Gianna, I use dried mushrooms. They rehydrate while everything is heating up and give the soup itself a little more substance.
  • Goal loss: 22 lbs Loss to date: 5 lbs Loss this week: 2 lbs
  • Today is my second fast day this week. I am hungrier than I was on Monday (as I had a ton of pizza Sun night) but I am still determined to see this through. Tomorrow is a new day, right? Fasting menu: Brunch: Fritatta with artichokes, spinach and roasted red peppers Afternoon meal/snack: Miso soup with oyster mushrooms…
  • I will continue to follow my plan, and will record my plan for next week before Monday rolls around.
  • I rely on things like miso soup and salads at lunchtime. I typically have vegan frittata for a high-protein brunch. For dinner I usually have a small serving of whatever the family is eating, usually beans + grain + veggie. For my 20 cal miso soup, I take a cup of veggie broth, a scant tablespoon of miso paste and some…
  • I have a long history of running but haven't been doing so for a while. I do a lot of walking and some cycling, and also yoga and some tabata-type workouts as well. Since I exercise in the morning, it doesn't really affect me because I work out before the hunger hits. Once I am running again, I know I will need to start…
  • Hi! Thanks for starting this! I started doing 5:2 in mid-June, did it successfully for a couple weeks and then let life-stress get in the way, ate everything in sight and then gained it all back. This time my husband is loosely doing it with me, so I feel like I have a really good support system. This is my second week of…
  • I tend to eat roughly the same breakfast, lunch and snack during the week and only vary my dinner. I meal plan and make my grocery list over the weekend and then am trying to log the whole week's worth of food on Monday to take guesswork out of it. I have a spreadsheet with 2 tabs - one has the weekly menu, and the second…
  • I bring enough apples and Greek yogurt with me on Monday to last through the week. My favorite snack is plain Greek yogurt with a tbsp or 2 of cherry preserves stirred in. I also love apple slices with a smidgen of peanut butter.
  • I run 6 days a week because my dog insists on it. :) If I have a sore or unusually tired day, I will take it easier or walk instead, but over time my body has acclimated well to the routine.
  • I don't use it because I need child care, but my sister is a member and really likes it there. She's happy with the quality and variety of weight and cardio equipment and you can't beat the price.
  • Because of my birth control pills, I no longer get a period but until they stopped I used my Diva Cup. It was fabulous for running - I even ran a marathon with it.
  • I'd probably do the 12 a week before the 4 mile race. Either would work but I would err on the side of recovery time. Good luck!
  • There were some tasty recipes on this thread last week as well!
  • I get too impatient to press it the right way and always end up with a plate and soup can on the floor, so I just squeeze the hell out of it with my hands for a minute or two, trying to keep them as flat and even as possible. If you squeeze over the sink once, wrap in a towel and then give it a good long, gently firm…
  • The secret to getting a good meaty-ish texture out of tofu is to pop the package into the freezer for a couple days and then thaw in the fridge for a couple more days. When you open it, wrap it in a clean kitchen towel or paper towels and gently press the water out of it. The more water you can get out of it, the better…
  • I love baked tofu on salads or in sandwiches. Something like this: I also use make it into a ricotta sub for lasagna or baked ziti. I like to crumble it and make tofu scramble for breakfast:…
  • Never shake hands with a runner who is only wearing one sock.
  • At 35 degrees, I think that sounds reasonable. Definitely have the hat and gloves, as you'll get very cold waiting for the race to start.
  • Fitness level: Intermediate (low end). I am ramping back up after a multi-year running hiatus and training for my first half, then full marathon since 2009. Right now I am running anywhere between 20-30 miles a week, 5-6 times a week.
  • I ignore the protein recommendations. I eat this way regularly and feel pretty good and I don't see any negative effects on my running performance, so what I am doing seems to be working.
  • I run without other people but with my dog. As far as self-consciousness goes, I always tell myself that I would rather look silly for a short period of each day than to look chubby and out of shape 24X7. :)
  • I walk until my canine running partner finally poops, usually 3-5 minutes. After I bag it up, we start running.