

  • The extra food allergies seem to go hand-in-hand with celiac. I am allergic to all melons and coconut--I can't ever have them. Fresh veggies really bother me unless I steam them. Citrus doesn't agree with me much either. It's tricky isn't it.
    in Gluten Free Comment by mathnan May 2010
  • I really appreciate the advice here and on the other thread. Even though I've been "gluten-free" for a long time, I haven't really developed a healthy "diet" plan. I started tracking my food and realized it would be nice to have some advice. I can manage to make and eat a lot of very tasty unhealthy foods still :). I can…
    in Gluten Free Comment by mathnan May 2010
  • Thanks for the link!!! It's good to know there are so many of us :).
    in Gluten Free Comment by mathnan May 2010
  • My mom gave me flaxseed and I didn't know why really. I am excited that you posted this. I will try it.