Gluten Free

mathnan Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Just wondering... is there anyone else who has to be gluten free on here? I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease about 15 years ago. Any advice for the gluten-free dieter?



  • smilesbfr
    smilesbfr Posts: 1
    I am also Gluten Free. Dieting is easier for us in some ways because there is so much we can't eat but the things we can eat tend to be heavy in fat (milk, cheese, butters (peanut/almond etc) and heavily processed. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Fruit is best for your body in the morning where you should eat almost all fruit--I often have raspberries, kiwis, strawberries, bananas, applies, etc and mix it up each day by having a little bit of three of those. If I am going to work out or something i add a rice cake with peanut butter (I love Lundenbergs (sp) Organic Wild Rice cakes, they are the best tasting).

    I also try to avoid milk products as much as I can (another "sensitivity") so that limits me. I found some great Indian meals in boxes (Tasty Bite is the brand name) that are delicious and some of them are only 200 calories for the whole box so provide a good amount of sustenance. Those are great alone or with a rice cake or other gluten free substitute for bread. Sometimes I just steam like 4 cups of a bunch of different veggies and dash that with salt and eat it. If you pick the right veggies that can be really good, filling and you feel amazingly energized after the meal. It took me a little while to get used to it but now I actually look forward to those lunches/dinners because of how great I feel afterward. It is so easy for gluten free to become a totally processed diet b/c of all the substitutions out there.

    I think you'll find tracking your calories will really help you realize the best choices and the ones that make you feel fullest without breaking your "budget." Good luck!
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Look for Amy's brand of food. It is gluten free and no GMO's. If you look them up on the internet they will send you a bunch of coupons.
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    I am GF as well, but Celiac (as far as I know). There doesn't appear to be many of us on this site. I have posted a few times asking for a group... but no response.

    I am new to GF...only about a month. The foods we can eat often seem to be high calorie and high sugar. Makes it difficult sometimes.

    Anyway, I am glad to see more people on here! I with we should start a "group"...
  • mathnan
    mathnan Posts: 5
    Thanks for the link!!! It's good to know there are so many of us :).
  • mathnan
    mathnan Posts: 5
    I really appreciate the advice here and on the other thread. Even though I've been "gluten-free" for a long time, I haven't really developed a healthy "diet" plan. I started tracking my food and realized it would be nice to have some advice. I can manage to make and eat a lot of very tasty unhealthy foods still :). I can find all the junk food I want at the health food store haha.
  • odatcindy
    odatcindy Posts: 641
    I'm also a celiac and have been since June 2007. Not only that, I'm allergic to corn, potato, tomato, soy, peas and peanuts. So eating for me is a true challenge. I stick to lots of fruit, especially for breakfast. To get a little more protein in the morning, I might also have rice cakes with almond butter, usually 1.5 servings.This gives me what I need to feel full; sometimes I have it on no-yeast bread so I can have some carbs. I snack on dried apples from Bare Fruit, almonds and Enjoy Life Beach Bash. I do have some sweets, which I make myself because of my allergies.

    Once I was diagnosed with all the other allergies, about four months ago, and stopped eating them, my weight started dropping drastically. My energy increased tremendously and now I'm running and weight lifting. I feel great and losing weight is not difficult right now. I don't find eating gluten free as a challenge, but that is probably because of all the other things I go without; so processed foods are not an issue. I have noticed, though, that gluten free products are much higher in calories, fat and sugars; this is why we need to get back to the fresh foods - fruit, veggies and meats. I also weigh everything and document all that I eat. It helps me to follow the plan and get where I want to be.

    I started focusing on losing weight in May 2009; since that time, I've lost 32 pounds, although it only shows six here. I've actually lost quite a bit more because I gained a large amount back in March when I did decide to eat some of the foods I'm allergic to - they make my body retain the food for longer periods of time (digesting can take days for me).

    I hope this helps.
  • mathnan
    mathnan Posts: 5
    The extra food allergies seem to go hand-in-hand with celiac. I am allergic to all melons and coconut--I can't ever have them. Fresh veggies really bother me unless I steam them. Citrus doesn't agree with me much either. It's tricky isn't it.
  • CardioRS
    CardioRS Posts: 88
    There is a thread here and I was given it yesterday for "Gluten-free Girls (and Guys)" here:

    Love it!:love:
  • JoyElizabeth
    JoyElizabeth Posts: 65 Member
    The extra food allergies seem to go hand-in-hand with celiac. I am allergic to all melons and coconut--I can't ever have them. Fresh veggies really bother me unless I steam them. Citrus doesn't agree with me much either. It's tricky isn't it.

    For some really great ways to eat healthy veg that taste AMAZING - and you can put in a search for recipes for whatever types of veg you have in your fridge at the time, visit - this is a fantastic site and everyone who wasn't real partial to veg in our family, now LOVES it when I cook from this site - it makes our food times so much more interesting without all the chemicals and processed foods - all Natural.

    I have lots of sensitivities too - I'm a vegan as well as a gluten, dairy, chemical, processed sugar, and caffeine free zone - what's left ? Obviously a heap of foods that still manage to keep weight on apparently :-)

    Good luck with your journey.

    Kind Regards,

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I found this blog earlier this year and they are featuring a Glutin free diet with recipes and advice.
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