

  • Done :) Good luck
  • Jay Robb's has no artifical sweetener.
  • I do use protein shakes on occasion. I will add one to my diet if I have a very heavy/ taxing workout or if my protein intake for the day is low. Never used the GNC product. My product of choice is Jay Robb's.
  • Cardio will be touch. I know there is a cycing machine at my gym that is for the arms. I used one once when I was doing physical therapy for a neck injury. It might get the heart rate up. Resistance bands are great. You could sit and have all the work come from the hip & knee. Be creative, you will come up with different…
  • The best thing to do is to listen to your body. When you need a day off your body will let you know. Listen to it.
  • Google Tabata training. That will give you lots of the science behind it. Killer stuff. The thing with tabata training you can do it with anything.
  • Lots of good info here. I think one of the biggest mistakes is that people try to bo to much to fast. Slow it down until your breathing gets easier. I had taken some time off the treadmill after an injury. I am slowly getting back up to the distance and speed that I was at before. Just as with dieting, slow weight lost is…
  • Lots of good ideas. What I do is white wine spritzers. Half the wine and club soda has no calories. And drink slower than you used to. Mix in a water from time to time if it is a long night. Other way to get your friends to not bother you about it is to offer to be the DD.
  • Throw it away - if you dont want it, it is junk. Be strong!!
  • The BEST option is to eat before you go. Have a LITTLE snack when you get there.... Steamed brocolli with a little rice. Soup is also a good option but very salty. Keep drinking water, it will help you get through the night.
  • Most of the time I use my exercise calories as a buffer. Just remember that the extra caloried "earned" from exercise are approximate. You could have been going over your calories from adding all of them in. Hope this helps.
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