

  • I'm in, I would like to lose 8lbs and be ready abd trimmer for my holiday in mid August. I am going to buy myself a new outfit if I reach my goal :) CW 144 I'v got to admit though I do struggle to get my exercise in, my day is full of work and then running around after my 2 children and it rarely leaves much time for…
  • :happy: I wish you well in your new MFP challengeand i'm sure you will follow and stick it out this time. It's funny when we look back and realise that when we where younger and thinner we where actually fit, but at the time we are always very critical of our selves. I would love to be 125lbs now but that I feel is a…
  • Hi i'm in Worcestershire Also looking for more UK Friends, all feel free to add me to :flowerforyou:
  • I had a bad day yesterday and was feeling bad about it today, then I read your post. It is so true a blip in a while is normal human nature and it's how you get over this that matters. I feel i'm back on track today - even if i'm feeling a little low. thanks for the post of wisdom :bigsmile:
  • Friend request on it's way, I feel the same and we all need that friendly help and support .:flowerforyou:
  • I'm 5'3" and i'm aiming to get to 126lbs for now. I put on the weight after my children and have never been back to my pre pregancy weight, but i'm hoping to get there now. Good luck with your challenge. :flowerforyou:
  • I have been doing this for about 2weeks also and found that it's been up and down i nthe weight loss aspect. But my clothes are not so tight and my body shape is changing so it must be working. I think it's a good idea about logging your weight every 3 weeks and not every day as we do retain water some days more than…
  • I will try not to focus on the scales to much thanks, my clothes are feeling a little looser to be fair. I just couldn't help the disappointment today when I saw the scales had gone up... but will keep going as i am enjoying logging in everyday really and monitoring what I eat.. Thanks again for your comment..
  • Ok i'm in also. my DVD came Saturday so i'll be glad of the support and it'll be good for us all to do it together.. I hope I shred though :0
  • You look amazing, I hope my journey also works out as well as yours and I can remain has determined.
  • I'm new on here also and I find that you are all very supportive and encouraging to everyone. It's great and really inspiring. Good luck with all your continued weight lose and I hope mine will start to come off in the next few weeks. Feel free to add me as a MFT Pal :smile:
  • Thanks every one for your encouragement, I have a partner that stays slim no matter what he eats and he is definately a chocolate monster. We are planning a trip abroad in August and I would love to look good in a bikini by then. Fingers crossed:happy: :