ravensgirl87 Member


  • I did NOT complete all of cardio 3 yesterday :( I did two rounds of it, and my knees were so sore I had to stop. I planned on doing the last round later in the day, but that never happened. Workout 11 was rough today. My knees still hurt, and now my wrists are joining in on the "let's bring Jenny lots of pain" party. I…
  • As of today I've lost 15 pounds!!! (15.4 actually). I'm super excited and very motivated to keep going. I will be finishing the program this week. I will re-measure and take pics then. My knees seem to be doing better, but I also haven't been pushing it too hard on any jumping exercise. Those cannonball jumps are…
  • I will have to try the Glucoasamine since my joints have been hurting too! I will be done with the program Friday. My goal was to lose 15 pounds (including what I lost with 30 day shred) and I am officially .6 pounds away from that goal!
  • Today was my first day back to working out after resting my knee and going on vacation. Wow! I feel like I lost some of my strength in just 5 days! Workout 11 kicked me in the butt much more than the first time! I agree about the cardio workouts. I really don't like them. Maybe if she included 2 per month instead of just…
  • Haha don't feel bad... My workouts have been much later too on summer vacation :) I did NOT get workout 11 in today. I tweeked my knee yesterday doing cardio. I didn't think it was a big deal until I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I had a sharp pain in my knee. It only hurts if I sit for too…
  • I can't do wheel push-ups :( I don't think it's a matter of strength, but a matter of flexibility in my back. I tried and failed the first time through, so the second time I just did normal push-ups. Hopefully I can do it in a couple of weeks!
  • I'm a Spanish teacher in a middle school. I teach all 3 grade levels (6-8). I won't have much of a break this summer because I signed up for workshops at the board of Ed (curriculum writing, etc.) and I just became the new head cheerleading coach at the high school next to the middle school where I teach (which is part of…
  • Wow!!! Sounds like you HAVE lost a lot of weight! Size 12 to size 4?! That's great!!! This is my first day of summer vacation (I'm a teacher) so I slept in and have been taking it easy this morning. I'm about to workout now though and start my day. I, too have been enjoying this program. I have missed a few workouts here…
  • Agreed!!!! I used to think running was harder than cross training.... My mind has changed!!! I was conditioned enough when I ran to focus on my music instead of how much pain I was in. I enjoyed that much more than Jillian yelling at me to push harder!! Thanks everyone for the encouragement!!! I previewed workout 11…
  • I have been 1 day behind all week since I missed my workout on Memorial Day. Instead of resting or doing cardio 3 today, I decided to go for a run. I've always wanted to get into running because I know it's good excercise, but I've never been good at sticking to it and I would end up hating it and quitting. Well somehow…
  • The first time throughout wo's 9 and 10 I thought 9 was harder. The second time through, 10 seemed harder. They are both a killer workout!!! I can't believe I'm already in the last month of the program!!
  • I will be doubling up on 10 and cardio 3 tomorrow... Yay?!
  • Nope I'm still here!!!! I did not do workout 9 today... very busy day!!! I will do 9 tomorrow... then double up on 10 and cardio 3 on Wednesday. I hear cardio 3 is a lot of plyo! I'm scared!
  • Workout 7 tomorrow morning.... Ughhhhh
  • I hate running man too!!!!!!! And workout 7.... HOLY S^*#%^*^%#^*+ I thought workout 5 was bad... Hahahahaha Ok.... Does ANYONE else struggle to do the quad stretch where you are on your knee?!?! I can't do it!!! It hurts my knees SO bad!! I end up standing and doing it on one leg instead. Good luck with workout 8 tomorrow…
  • Yeah it's a good thing Jillian can't hear the things I say sometimes.... I'm pretty sure she'd hate me!! I'm almost wondering if I should give 5 and 6 another week. They are still difficult for me... Although I can say they aren't nearly as difficult as the first time I did both of them. Those crab push ups still kill me.…
  • Finally back on track this week!! I had to double up a couple of days but I'm back to where I should be. Which do you guys think is worse... Circuit 3 in wo 5 when your shoulders are screaming? Or circuit 4 in wo 6 when she kills your abs? BOTH suck to me!!!!!! I've gained back 2 of the pounds I lost :( when my grandmother…
  • And now I can speak from experience about workout 5.... OUCH!!!! I think my triceps almost jumped out of my arms! Does anyone else find those crab puships hard? They hurt with both feet in the ground... Let alone lifting your legs!
  • I was thinking about adding 5k training to BR too. I am just starting phase 2 and I was hoping that after finishing phase 1 I'd be strong enough and better conditioned to give it a solid effort. I've started C25K three times and I NEVER finished the program. I completed ALL of BR phase 1... That's the longest I've actually…
  • Oh no!!! I guess it IS true about workout 5 :( I will be doing it today and doubling on 6 and cardio 2 tomorrow to get back on track. I gained a pound back last week... But my workouts got out of sync and I ate terribly since we were in the process of planning my grandmothers funeral and were driving around A LOT. thanks…
  • I will definitely measure and weigh myself tomorrow. I wasn't going to take pics but that's a good idea. My diet wasn't much better this week, but my body still feels different and my muscles feel tighter. I think I need to spend some time on Pinterest this weekend looking up healthy and low fat recipes. I also need to…
  • I've read a lot of posts that people don' t like workout 5 so I'm a little worried to move into the next phase. I am, however, looking forward to changing it up again. I definitely did enjoy workouts 3 and 4 (I guess you could call it enjoyment haha). I was very happy with myself today that I could actually pretty much put…
  • My grandmother passed away Monday evening so my workouts are out of sync. I did 3 Monday morning, but didn't do anything Tuesday (the day we went to the funeral home to plan). I did 4 last night and cardio this morning. I am thinking about doing 3 tonight so I am back on track to do 4 tomorrow morning. Has anyone else…
  • I hope to be much healthier this week too. Last week was that certain time during the month when I wanted to devour EVERYTHING in sight :) Although I did notice that my cravings weren't as bad as the usually are! I'm honestly surprised I lost anything last week after the amount of cookies I ate.... I am definitely excited…
  • Workouts 3 and 4 are definitely more intense... and I can't for the life of me do the hollow man for more than like 10 seconds. My whole body starts to shake and I feel like my core is seriously about to give out!! I much prefer the "inchworm" and the side to side crunches where you reach for the insides of your feet. My…
  • I was wondering what happened to everyone too!! I really enjoy hearing how everyone else is doing. It's great motivation for me since no one in my family or group of friends actually works out.
  • Glad I'm not the only one who's hips hurt after those side crunches!!! Ill definitely try to adjust more onto my butt and see if that helps! 47 lbs lost?!?! That's AMAZING!! Great job!!!
  • I enjoyed workout 4 this morning!!! But when you have to keep going down to your knees then back to standing with weights in the air... That kind of sucked! I'm enjoying the new workouts this week, but I'm kind of looking forward to the fact that I already know cardio 1 by heart for tomorrow morning :) Anyone else enjoying…
  • Did workout 3 this morning! This may sound weird... but did anyone else find the COOL DOWN hard? I couldn't do the weird leg stretches at the beginning. It hurt my knees! I also didn't like the sideways crunch... all the weight on my hip bones kind of hurt. Did anyone else have the same problems or is it just me?? Overall…
  • Go us! Two weeks down!!! I've never worked it this many days in a row EVER!! Today was the first day I didn't think cardio 1 would kill me :) Although I still admire/envy those of you that think its too easy! I previewed workout 3 after I did cardio today. I noticed a lot of the same exercises as 30DS. I know a lot of…