LPC020409 Member


  • Thanks. I didn't factor in losing muscle as well as fat while losing weight. I've recently started trying to get more good protein in my diet and not just focusing on low calorie or low fat foods. When my scale tells me I've hit my goal of being below 30% bodfat, I plan on getting my body fat measured by a trainer both as…
  • Thanks. I workout most days doing a mix of cardio and strenght. I lost a good part of my weight doing cardio alone but just recently started doing weights.
  • You may be right. I wasn't tracking calories before. For breakfast I would only eat some Chobani Greak Yogurt. This week I changed that to whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a banana. I'm not tired all day but by 3:00 I'm ready for a nap. I'll have to adjust my lunch next. I'm just nervous about gaining again.
  • I think I will adjust my settings. Although I've been losing weight at a steady pace, I've been really tired the past couple of weeks. That's part of the reason I joined this site thinking that learning more about what to eat and changing up what eat has got to help.
  • Thanks. I think you are right. The carbs seem really high to me too. I think this website will help me tweek my diet since I'm doing more intense workouts as I lose weight and feel better.