kwlkr76 Member


  • When you make a full recipe at home with healthy foods you are most likely to get 4 + servings for around $10. At McDonalds you only get 1 maybe 2 servings + a pile of fats for that price. Unless eating off the $1 menu in which case you may order more just to fill you up. If you are cooking only for one it is probably…
  • Add me if you like. Good luck!
  • Bring water or a broth & Lentils to a boil then reduce heat and simmer for about an hour. They are really good in soup! You can add them to just about any soup.
  • Another thing to try is find out what types of foods are recommended for your body type. Depending upon how your metabolism works more differant foods may be required in order to continue losing. Just a suggestion.:smile: Also as some others have suggested changing up your workout routine can help.
  • I allow myself 1 "splurge day" I guess you'd call it. I do this after my scheduled weigh day. I usually do this one day out of my weekend. It helps me to stay on track all week and the rest of the weekend when I have something to look forward to. I find it easier to resist eating like crap all weekend if I have one planned…
  • Hello, I am new to this site also. But I was following along with the online slimfast program before it changed. The best tip I have that worked for me was to pick a splurge day once every week or every other week after your weigh day. Your favorite meal or treat as a small reward for your acheivement. It also helps…
  • Hello, I am new here too and I really like it so far. One thing I learned on the last program I was on was if you are hungry in the evening that is understandable. You are suppose to have 3 snacks a day (small resonable) a few hours after every meal even dinner! It helps your metabolism keep working through the night. So…
  • Maybe try adding everything you put into your snack mix into your foods and save as a meal. Then just adjust your portions to what you actually consumed. That way you will know what your calorie intake is. Then compare to other snack mixes on the food finder. Kim