NYCMom Member


  • Today is a perfect day to start. Much better than tomorrow or never. Take it slow and be healthy.
  • Bring a towel and large bottle of water. You are going to sweat like crazy. It's great for your hips and butt. I spin twice a week, didn't lose any weight but went down two pant sizes. As said above, get there early and talk to the instructor about where your seat and handlebars should be.
  • Write down everything you eat. Every chocolate chip and m&m, log it in. Once you start seeing all the calories that add up, it makes it easier to start cutting back or making healthier choices.
  • Hips. I think that is because of using a spin bike for exercise.
  • You can find lower sugar cereals like Total or Cheerios to keep the sugar lower or even eggs for breakfast. I don't have diabetes but find the more sugar I eat, even if I stay in my calorie and fat allotment, I have a hard time losing weight. You can find lower sugar breads as well. Flatbreads or wraps are great. Most…
  • WOW. Just wow with the commentary on here. The poster was asking for suggestions not judgements. If people could keep that in mind when answering, it would be a much happier and supportive place. Of the list that was giving (very comprehensive, thank you), I eat six of the veggies. I put those six on my sandwiches in…
  • Sea Grill, right under the rink. Brasserie (across from the rink); Del Friscos(steak); Stardust Diner -singing waitstaff!; Bar Americain-Bobby Flay Restaurant.
  • Shake Shack has calories in the database! What kind of food are you in the mood for? There are a lot of restaurants around Rock Center.
  • Hi there, forgot one more thing. I got the book Dinosaur Vs. the Potty. I would leave it in the bathroom and would read it to him when he would sit on the potty at night. He loved it and at the end he would pee and I would yell out POTTY WINS!
  • My older son was a breeze to potty train, so I thought my younger son would be the same. And he is seeing his older brother go, and he is always trying to keep up with him. Not so much. We did all the same as you, and then when it wasn't working we stopped. He clearly wasn't ready so we did nothing for a month. Always gave…
  • So so far it's just NY, Michigan, Arkansas and PA that don't ask for weight.
  • These comments are killing me!! Thanks so much everyone. The grass is always greener, those who have to much want less and those who have less want more. Guess I am stuck with the girls until they are ready to go on their merry way.
  • Tea is also a diuretic. So if you have too much salt during the day, it will help your body to get rid of it. You will be peeing all day and night!!!
  • I've dropped 2 pant sizes, but I think that has more to do with the spin bike. Need to find the spin bike equivalent for the upper half!