

  • Kristine and Rhonda, How are you both doing on the plan? M
  • Rhonda, I will happily be your friend and help you in any way I can. Friend me if you want! :) I am in the same boat as you....I need to lose 50, but sixty would be fabulous. Let's do this thing!
  • Kristine, I am not sure about the timing issue. I just try to count what I am having, right when I am having it, to keep an accurate read out of what I still have left for the day....if that comment makes any sense. On the wine, I would count it according to what the label says. So if you had 5 oz, then count the s/c from…
  • Girlfriend! You had me crying and laughing at the same time. I was cheering for you by the end of the story! Don't even know you but am so, so proud. You ARE A SUCCESS STORY. Every.Single.Day. You made me even more determined to post my own dress picture....once I can fit in the dress! :laugh:
  • Kristine, Welcome to the BFC way of life. I love this plan! It is so easy to follow and actually fills me up, which is necessary on any plan I am on. (I am not Miss Sweetness and Light when I am hungry! :) I would be happy to answer any questions if I can, or help and encourage you in any way. I would recommend you check…
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