TrevaNadreau Member


  • I second the almond milk suggestion. Super healthy and super tasty!
  • Rest em. You don't build muscles by working out, you destroy them... it's the rest in between that builds the muscle fibers back up. Generally speaking, you'd want to give at least a days rest (preferably 2) in between workouts depending on which muscle groups you're using and how hard you're training them... Professional…
  • Man, you've all been amazing!!! For me it hasn't been so much what other people see when they look at my food journal, but what I see (or don't) that bothers me. I think my biggest challenge overall has been that I tend to resist change... and holding myself accountable for every little thing that I eat is certainly…
  • You would probably be batter off adding it to your breakfast. Your body will be holding very little, if any, protein by the time you wake up. If you're looking to keep a constant flow of protein, breakfast is the way to go.
  • Are you taking anything now? If not, start with a good multi-vitamin... not some grocery store brand, but something from one of the health stores in your area... I also take Omega 3-6-9 for a variety of health benefits. Currently I'm also taking Fireball Inferno-CLA from Vitamin World... it's a thermogenic fat burner using…
  • Don't stop doing planks... aside from hanging leg lifts, they are the absolute best ab exercise you can do... strengthening your core will tone and tighten as well... it may not look pretty now, but give it time.
  • It's all going to depend on your nutritional needs... the protein market is overwhelmingly obnoxious and can be kind of intimidating. There are so many differences in proteins based on specific dietary needs, but I can help narrow it down for you with a few questions: Are you looking to replace a meal, or to drink as an…
  • The science behind it is that one pound of fat contains 3,500 calories... it's not an exact measurement transfer, but it's pretty accurate. The trick to the formula (the reason why you won't just lose 2 lbs by not eating for 2 days) is that it takes a certain amount of food to keep your metabolism high... If your body…
  • I spent some time working as a shoe salesman at Sports Authority and can make a few recommendations... As far as brands go, I've become a sworn Asics guy. Even though you aren't planning on running, I would still purchase a running shoe... the main reason being the amount of support and cushioning in them... Asics uses…