larajf Member


  • Congratulations and well done!! I'm glad you put yourself first. You're worth it.
  • And here I am almost 4 years later and didn't do it. A lot happened, and I think I'm going to change up my mini-goal to be even smaller. Back then, I think I had 15 pounds to go from Obese to Overweight (under 160). I now have 22. So I'm going to focus on losing 17 pounds over 3 months and just focus on losing 6 pounds in…
  • Lose five pounds through better/smarter eating and increased activity. I am trying to get back to doing a Leslie Sansone video for at least 25-30 minutes 5 mornings a week, and want to add in walking on my mini trampoline for 15 minutes after eating. And I want to add in more weights, but trying to do this so slowly that…
    in June goals! Comment by larajf June 2021
  • beachbody on demand shows the programs with descriptions and level of difficulty. I signed up for it because there were so many that I wanted! LOL Right now, I'm focusign on one but once I get into better shape, I'll mix it up since I do get bored easily.
  • No longer be considered "overweight" when I turn 50 at the end of October
  • I'm going to start once I get the meals. How is it working for you now?
  • I just put in my first order and it should arrive in a few days. I'm excited but nervous. I'm reading through and realize I'll have to manage my veggies as well. Guess it's time for a hard reset. And I too hope this is my last diet to lose the weight and then I'll find a way to live healthy on out where I don't gain 20lbs…
  • Yes, I'd like to find a support group for South Beach as well. I love it but usually derail myself after a few days.