maryd523 Member


  • It's fine to eat whenever you want. It makes no difference. Also, your 12-14 hour fast is good for you. Look up Intermittent Fasting. It's exciting.
  • Really. There is no need. I promise. My mom did the same thing a couple years ago and called an ambulance. They came out, bandaged her up, and left, after telling her they don't transport for that OR stitch it back on.
  • I've read that drinking water while eating dilutes the digestive "juices" in your stomach and makes it harder on your body to process your food. Of course, I've never looked into it further because I always drink water while eating and don't want another thing to feel slight guilt over.
  • I always wonder about the rare random stranger that Cooper doesn't like. He loves people but every now and then he just doesn't like a person. Hackles up, growling or barking at them. Knowing my dog, he considers them a threat. It doesn't happen very often, but it always makes me wonder what Cooper senses about them, since…
  • That is not true. Fructose, or fruit sugar, is handled the same as other sugars by the body. It's all just sugar. Fruit is sugar with vitamins and fiber. Fruit juice is sugar with vitamins.
  • Sugar is horrible for you and you should try to avoid it whenever possible. That being said, don't worry about what is in the past, just try to do better in the future. FYI - most people on these forums don't know what they are talking about and will tell you not to worry about sugar. Yeah. Don't listen to them.
  • I don't trust pit bulls. I don't understand the obsession in the US with breeding pit bulls. Most of the intact male dogs that I see at the dog park are pit bulls. It makes no sense to me.
  • I was just wondering if we were in the year 2002? Why are you guys getting tired of your own playlists when you can just listen to thousands and thousands of different and new songs through Pandora or some other internet radio? I haven't listened to my own music in a couple of years and don't plan on it anytime soon.
  • You can't go wrong with Polar! If I was buying one today, I would definitely get one with Bluetooth.
  • The Fitbit does give you data when you are at rest. As you know, your body is constantly burning calories just by operating. So if you are sitting around all day, the Fitbit knows you are at rest and calculates your calories accordingly. It resets every night at midnight, and in the morning it will tell you that you've…
  • I have both; the Fitbit One, which I've had for two months, and a Polar FT7, which I have adored for the almost two years I've had it. Both of them are well worth the money. I wear the Fitbit all the time, except when showering. Mine has a sleep tracker on it, but after a couple weeks I stopped using that feature. In fact,…
  • Do NOT push yourself through the pain. That is how you make injuries worse and you will end up sabotaging your exercise routine and damaging your body. There are a lot of exercises you can do that don't involve jumping jacks and skipping rope!
  • Wow, what is this? Have you done research? You are saying you are basically addicted to sugar, right? If it was me, I would go cold turkey and suffer the discomfort. It's not a REAL sugar low, where your body literally does not have enough glycogen to fuel basic functions, so it's safe to do so. That much sugar cannot be…
  • I've done it several times and it's not my favorite cardio class, but it's not the worst. I much prefer Bodystep or a good Zumba. Any class can be good or bad, though, depending on the instructor and the music.
  • I've found it's much, MUCH easier to lose weight when I am feeling happy, content, organized, and in control. When I feel overwhelmed or depressed, I tend to think, "fvck it...I'm going to eat whatever I want and sit around all day." This leads to more bad feelings and hence, the cycle continues.
  • Salsa and a small dollop of ranch is delicious and really low-cal on a salad.
  • I can't believe you went to a supervisor over this.
  • I got a Fitbit a couple weeks ago, and it's awesome. My HRM, my food scale, and my iphone are all extremely useful tools.
  • I am the exact same. I do a Bodypump class two or three times a week and I never get the slightest bit sore, even though I am working very hard in class and my muscles are definitely fatigued. Even when the instructor tells us, "Oh, you'll be sore tomorrow!" I know I won't be. I don't worry about it since I don't…
  • Ugh. I have no problem running in 95 degree heat, wearing barely anything with the sweat pouring off me. Winter running, however, not a fan. It hurts to breath, my phone is difficult to operate whilst wearing gloves, my head gets itchy with a hat on, my feet go numb from the cold...I could go on but I'll stop there. The…
  • I work out. And lift.
  • Your weight is going to fluctuate naturally because of a variety of factors, you will NEVER just be the exact same weight from day to day to day. So as long you aren't seeing new high numbers, I wouldn't worry about those two pounds. It's not fat that's coming and going.
  • Definitely keep going. You are doing great, why stop until you get into a healthy body fat percentage range? If you feel this good at 354, imagine how great you will feel at a healthy weight? And congrats on your loss!
  • Haha, I had to go measure mine. I'm about 164 and my calves measure 15 inches. They look normal.
  • Looks delicious, thanks for sharing.
  • I used to get pains exactly like that, back when I ran less than sporadically. As I got into better shape, I stopped getting them. I actually forgot I used to get them until I read your post. How often do you run?
  • If I have spinach, I always throw a big handful into my smoothie and as others said, the taste is barely noticeable.
  • I just got a Fitbit One and am enthralled! If you have MFP and FB synced up, just enter your workout calories and the duration into MFP's exercise diary and they'll do the adjusting for you.
  • Agreed. Soup in the slow-cooker tastes the same as on the stove. Same with pulled pork. *drool* And a million other things.