

  • i have noticed that my sex drive is horrible now too! unfortantly i just got it again a month ago so i just basicly have to let it wear off at this point, but after that im not getting it again. i had the IUD before but took it out because it was hurting during sex and i wanted to let me body go back to normal for a while…
  • i work full time as so does my hubby. we actually work opposite shifts. he works third, so he comes home from work, watches the kids all day and then get a few hours sleep when i get home and then heads back out again. he actually works out in the middle of the day when the kids take a nap(i dont know how he does it!) i…
  • i just take a multivitamin but i should prob take a calcium one too since i dont seem to drink much dairy now either :(
    in Vitamins Comment by ljsmamma07 June 2011
  • i may go ahead and have it checked. thyroid cancer and problems run in my family horribly. and if the shot can affect it(which i didnt know and i had it before) then i will def have to have it checked. cant hurt right!
  • ive been on it for about 4 months...i actually am not getting it again because we are going to start trying to have another baby in december and i want to give my body a few months to go back to normal before hand. i did the pills and thats house i ended up with our first. lol. after this next baby im getting the iud…
  • im having the same problem. my hubby made me do lunges last night after our workout and my legs and butt is killing me! i did walk the stairs at work for 16 min but feel like i should still do more cardio for the day, but the 2.5 miles i usually RUN is OUT! i would just take it easy for a day or two, also switch it up, do…
    in Aches Comment by ljsmamma07 June 2011
  • yeah but mine are too big and i feel sometimes they are droopy. lol. i always said i would get a lift when i was done having kids!
  • well crap. like today! i am still 700 calories away from my goal for the day but already over 100 carbs. and ive not even had dinner!
  • id like to know too ...
  • i LOVE it! i dont have any recipes, but you can buy it in different flavors and you cook it like instant rice so its really easy. at on point i cooked the none flavored with some cubed ham and some greens and put alittle cheese on the top. another time i just threw in a bunch of friend veggies.
  • i used to do it 1-2 times a week and i LOVED it! and i did well loosing weight during it.
  • im usually good on protein...i dont eat alot of meat but do well eating beans and eggs.
  • im not sure if i would be considered long distance...i try to run at least 2 miles a day...i love my bread and pasta...but even without eating that i seem to go over. so i guess i need to see what is going on! im trying to figure out why it worked so well on weight watchers...
  • thank you all for the recipes! we seem to get stuck making the same thing but there are some great reciepes here that dont take a whole lot of ingredients! will def try them!
  • this has been a discusion in our house also. my hubby has heard weights before cardio and so that is what he does. i do cardio first and then weights. i just want to tone, so the fact that i spend more time on cardio than i do weights doesnt bug me.
  • thats what i figure and am doing, my hubby thought i needed to use it so i was seeing if i was suppose to
  • breakfast was all egg whites on whole wheat bread and lettuce. and water lunch was whole wheat pasta with stewed tomatos and aspargua snack will probably be carrots or an apple dinner is still undecided....probably my left over asparagua and whatever i make for the kids
  • one thing i try to do when i go out anywhere, when you get your food, as for a to go container when you get your food and pou half of it in there and set it aside first thing. that way you arnt tempted to over eat.
  • i will actually grab a small handful of mini chocolate chips. sometimes it helps, sometimes i need a few more handfuls. lol. but i just try to stay away from it in general. take you water and go for a walk and tell your mom to hide it or give it to the neighbors while you are gone or something.
  • my goal is 125. thats what i was before kids so heres to hoping!! got down to 135 last summer but switched bc and started gaining so now im fighting it again
  • i gained 50lb with my first and that was being on bedrest. i lost 20 when i had him, and then never lost any. i had my second and only gained 30 and lost it all. when she was 1 i started weight watchers and got back down to my prepreg weight of 135. im currently back up to 150 :( hence the joining this website :) i think…
  • i know there are a few websites or blogs about running and training and schedule. i just started running outside myself. on a tredmill i dont last very long, but outside i can seem to go for at least a mile without stopping and then only need a small walking break. i know i have to be a lot slower then on the tredmill but…