

  • I believe it depends on your insurance. I was banded 2/5/13 and go in every month (now 6 weeks) for follow up/Fill if needed and I've never had to pay. Hope this helps :)
  • I agree you have to add stuff to it make plain Greek yogurt good. I use it in chicken salad instead of Mayo!
  • Hello all, I was banded on Feb 5, 2013 and it was the best decision of my life! I haven't really had any complications my biggest thing was looking for a support group specifically for Band patients. I am the only one I know that has a band most of the people at my work had Bypass, I tried talking to one of them who is…
  • Hello all, I was banded on Feb 5, 2013 and it was the best decision of my life! I haven't really had any complications my biggest thing was looking for a support group specifically for Band patients. I am the only one I know that has a band most of the people at my work had Bypass, I tried talking to one of them who is…