

  • I have loads of scaring and marks on my upper arms from weight gain amd loss and am getting there with the tightening up..... slowly, but in a weird way im also very proud of those nasty scars coz it represents how damn hard I worked to lose the weight. Even the minging loose bit on my tummy, its like hey I did it, I lost…
  • Hey I will do the push up challenge with ya, is there a sit up 1 to? Kay
  • Hey wots the 30 day shred? im trying real hard to fix my upper arms, doing all sorts at the gym and slowly im getting results. They used to b wings to make any reputable bingo player proud. Lol. Is the 30 day shred some thing that can help me outm
  • Hi every1, its such a nice day on the southeast coast. Its day 1 of my salad, fruit, veg and meet week. Wish me luck
  • thanks for the posts guys, i dont update much on site i should but i dont get time. i have lost loads through will power and lifestyle change, i go to the gym 4 times a week and burn at least 800 cals a time but its this last stubbon stone, i cant shift it. i have lost 3st 12pounds since last yr, but some one mentioned…