

  • Ouch! That is painful.. I was once in your position, and it made me mad enough to look for options to improve my situation.After you've rested, check with the college you want to attend and see if you qualify for financial aid So, being passed over ended up being exactly what I needed to get me moving. Take care of…
  • While there are insensitive clods in the world, there really are socially delayed folks who have no idea how they make people feel. If they are important to you and you care that they understand how hard this is, tell the person you appreciate their support, but this is hard.... but if not, just smile and keep walking or…
  • I tolerated soy before becoming dairy intolerant. Now, soy annoys me, too. I do tolerate and enjoy a product called Rice Dream. It is a rice based product and is found in the organic section and dairy section of some grocery stores.
  • Yes, it's possible to become dairy intolerant as an adult. I was 32 and expecting my last child when it happened to me. My mother had the same thing happen at about the same age. We are of Native American ancestry. But it happens to other people groups as well, Asians and some Mediteranian's seem to be prone to this For…
  • Yea! That's a big hurdle.
  • I'm having to remember that i only have limited calories to spend. Maybe this is like cutting up the food credit card. 2candoit ( suzi)