Dairy intollerance at age 40?

KarenWantsABikini Posts: 67
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
HI there ,

Just wanting to pick everyones brains and see if its possible that your body can decide its intollerant to a food later in life?

I am 40 years old and in the past month have not been able to tollerate any dairy.

I lived on milk as a kid, I own a coffee shop and for the past four years have never had any trouble drinking lattes, full cream and skinny, have even drank soy and Ive been fine.

In the past month whenever i drink milk, have a latte or even yoghurt, within an hour i am making a very very quick trip to the ladies room !!!!!!

I tried to stay dairy free for the past week and it has been fine, drinking black coffee, no dairy at all, been great.

Tried a soy yoghurt last night, within an hour .... rumbling tummy... didnt think much about it, this morning another soy yoghurt and had to RUN @!!!

So not only dairy making me feel this way, but now soy yoghurt??

I have never ever in my life had any food intollerances and now in my 40s this happens?? Is it possible... ? Thats my question to you all???


  • Hi, you can become intolerant to a food at any age. I have just recently found that I am allergic to cilantro... after enjoying a week before on a burrito :(
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I spontaneously became quite badly lactose intolerant at age 28 or 29, so yeah, I'd say it is possible! Weird, isn't it? I find that Lactaid supplements help a lot with small amounts of dairy.

    The fact that the soy made you feel that way too is odd, though...unless you've spontaneously developed a few intolerances at once? Or maybe an ailment that is triggered by a few different foods, like IBS?

    Whatever it is, I hope you feel better soon! Tummy issues are not fun.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    It's unfortunate, but true. I've been so annoyed by this. I found that for my 40th b-day last year, I definitely couldn't have ice cream in the evenings... not an allergy, but intolerance that seems to be fairly tolerable in small doses early in the day.

    If it ends up that the soy really isn't going to work for you either, you may want to try almond milk or rice milk.
  • adults can develope allergies which i didn't know until about 4 yrs ago when i had food poisoning after eating chinese food i then found out i became allergic to the spice MSG and if i have chinese food with MSG i get an really bad upset stomach, if i have a tiny about say in soup i'm fine.

    and 3 months ago i decided to go dairy free and only drink almond or soy milk and have sheeps or goats milk cheese. but after growing up on a dairy farm i couldn't believe how quickly my body changed from drinking pure cows milk or ice cream or cheese. now whenever i decide to indulge on something with pure dairy i definally feel the effects and hate my decision of having dairy lol
  • 2candoit
    2candoit Posts: 7
    Yes, it's possible to become dairy intolerant as an adult. I was 32 and expecting my last child when it happened to me. My mother had the same thing happen at about the same age. We are of Native American ancestry. But it happens to other people groups as well, Asians and some Mediteranian's seem to be prone to this For the women in my family,. our bodies stopped producing the enzime we need to break down the raw milk sugars. Somehow, we were able to tolerate cheeses.There are other ways to get calcium. Salmon, broccoli, and oatmeal are good sources of calcium. At 54, I can now tolerate a little more dairy, but I can't push it.
    The good news, broccoli has fewer calories than ice cream. it's just not as much fun to eat . I hope you are able to quickly discover just what annoys your system and feel better, soon.
  • qwants2bslimmer
    qwants2bslimmer Posts: 30 Member

    I am also in my 40's and going through the same thing as you, so was pleased (sorry!) to read your post - I'm not alone! I am okay with yogurts but icecream, milk, anything creamy within the hour i look and feel 6 months pregnant, stomach cramps and the toilet becomes a regular place to visit lol!!! I am reading about IBS at the moment, not sure if this is what it is but some of the symptoms are very similar. By the way my brother-in-law is allergic to Soya. I have started using rice milk with my cereal which is nice.
  • 2candoit
    2candoit Posts: 7
    I tolerated soy before becoming dairy intolerant. Now, soy annoys me, too. I do tolerate and enjoy a product called Rice Dream. It is a rice based product and is found in the organic section and dairy section of some grocery stores.
  • lonypony
    lonypony Posts: 130 Member
    Yep, happens to me to Karen. I went off milk around my early 40's. I now have black coffee, and with my cereal I have yoghurts. I was diagnosed with IBS. I can tolerate a little ice cream, but not cream. I can tolerate a little milk - maybe once a week on cereal but I tend not to I just got used to yoghurt.

    I have a splurge every now and then and might have a cold milo (with the crunchy bits on top mmmmmmmm) or an iced coffee, but I suffer afterwards :-(
  • Thankyou all for your replies to my post. I seriously thought i was being a drama queen !!!

    I will stay off the dairy as much as possible and maybe even start reading up on IBS...

    Thanks for your insights Pals !!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    well, dairy is evil. that being said, however, since you are upset at soy yogurt too, you may have overgrowth of yeast in the gut. You may be able to alleviate your symptoms by adding a probiotic supplement daily, and cutting back sugars and carbs for a while. Also, if you can stand it, 2T unfermented apple cider vinegar 3x a day reduces sugar cravings and kills yeast. Coconut oil (extra virgin) also kills yeast and is yummy (to me anyway), but it doesn't reduce sugar craving.

    good luck!

  • Thanks Sleepy texan, i dont eat carbs or sugar.. well processed carbs and sugar that is, i get my carbs from fruit and veg. I will try the probiotics though....thanks
  • Thanks Sleepy texan, i dont eat carbs or sugar.. well processed carbs and sugar that is, i get my carbs from fruit and veg. I will try the probiotics though....thanks
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    When I was in my mid 30's I developed an allergy to shellfish....I grew up in the PNW and ate all sorts of seafood and never had an issue. In my early 40's the dairy started bothering me. I avoided both for a while, then slipped up and had shellfish.....and no issues! So I tried diary again last year....no issues! I can have both now with no issues at all. I talked to my sinus doctor about it and she said that we go through cycles about every 5-7 years where we will either pick up or drop a sensitivity to something. Sometimes we may not realize it, but sometimes it is very evident. Give it another shot in a year or two.
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