

  • Walking in water is excellent therapy and a good workout, low impact and easy on the joints. If you can find a heated therapy pool at a YMCA or hospital it's even better.
  • I need the accountability too, but I love that myfitnesspal is so much like ww but it's free...I started fully using the site, weighing, measuring, using the ticker and sharing on facebook...now I am accountable to my friends and I see results and goals, big an bold, when I log on anywhere.
  • If I have a high sodium day, you can bet I'll have a 2-3lb gain overnight. All it takes is a day with no diet coke, and no salty snacks and I'm back down.
  • I found swimming was great for toning my entire body. Nothing intense, just water jogging or aerobics. It's resistance training, you don't sweat and it's fun.
  • I keep getting a little warning message when I don't eat enough calories and my projected weight is not as low. I'm like you, I didn't trust the exercise calories, according to this I burn more than I eat? I did a little experiment and added some snacks through my day and I did have a 2 lb loss, but gained it back after a…