cheeksv Member


  • thinking about picking up Angela's Ashes again. Beautiful book and wonderful author.
  • I went on Vacation and ate everything. Because we walked everywhere I didn't gain a single pound. If all you can do is walk or start out as walking it is fine especially if you stick to a low calorie diet it will work. Try to work towards a light jog, anything to get that hear rate up! Looking for low impact try swimming…
  • stuck floating in the 188-190 as well and I blame school lol. I am so drained after homework that working out is beginning to feel like a chore. You have to find new ways to work out, something different is always good even if it is just dancing around the room to a great song. You can do this even if you need to take a…
  • change your weight loss maybe/ maybe not, make you healthier yes. I quit all sodas months ago. They do nothing but harm to the body and give nothing to it. from my experience, its not worth the taste people are addicted to. I feel better since I stopped drinking sodas and have seen steady weight loss after giving up all…
  • ....don't use them? If it is a texture thing use onion powder. There are a ton of other veggies out there you can try for flavor. Fennel, carrots, zuchini, mushrooms, celery any root veggie is good for flavor.
  • That makes sense. I was just curious becasue you see people in each extreme, morbidly obese and then body builders with crazy amounts of muscle and it just got me wondering.
  • I used to keep a general number in my head and I did loose 10lbs but, once I started keeping an accurate count I gained most of it back. I realized some days I was eating too much but mostly I was eating too little. Not having an accurate number kept my calories way low, I was always hungry and figured it was supposed to…
  • on my mini George foreman :)
  • calories are calories
  • can I rate future hotness? I would day I am a 4 for hotness and a 10 for adorableness and future hotness will be about a 8
  • I am usually under. It is hard sometimes to find something that is low calorie and wont make you go over on anything else, especially in the evening. Also if I am not hungry I try not to force myself to eat. For someone who used to over eat, even when full, promoting that for the sake of hitting a certain number is not a…
  • 226lbs down to 193
  • Usually veggies like avocado, red and green peppers and on a good day pickles or just a little pickle juice as dressing. by good day I mean if I have had little sodium that day lol. Be careful becasue if you add too much a salad could easily start getting up their in cals.
  • have fun with it and find other things to do that are not as tedious. It takes sometimes months to find what works and you have to work and rework. Don't give up! but if you need a break work on maintaining for a while. I have ten a month off here or there for personal reasons and I did fine. took some of the stress off…
  • dvd's never do it for me. I am so focused on form and they go so fast that I never get a decent workout. Gym for me at home or out of the house.
  • homemade 70 calorie pumpkin muffins
  • Sugar limits are put in place for added sugars, syrups whatever. They are generally not intended for " natural" sugars but, some people see sugar as sugar and needs to be watched either ways. It depends on how you see it. I see all sugars as the same and try to keep an eye on my fruit intake and it was really hard in the…
  • There are shoes for that now right? That mimic being bare foot. I would have to report someone who dared go to the gym with no shoes. You just never know what is going on there and it is generally inappropriate I are not at home. To me it is right up there with people who put their feet on the table at…
  • I went out with some older friends of mine when I was 19. We left a boring party and went to a nearby bar.They suck me into a bar and after we drank for a while we ended up getting on some guys boat ( it was a waterside bar) partied on the boat but the guy parked it on the other side of the marina and wouldn't give us a…
  • I made oatmeal today one serving of plain quick oats. Added once tablespoon on Gensoy chocolate protein powder. Came to 183 calories I think and was good. Not really sweet but, smelled like cocoa puffs lol
  • Protein, protein, protein, will keep the hunger at bay. Also as time goes on your body will adjust to the healthier eating. Your stomach will shrink without the excess food, to a normal size and you will be less hungry. Spread out your foods so you are not eating it all too soon and leave calories for snacks. I eat fruit,…
  • When you are looking for snack ideas these comments don't really help. They are more criticism than answer ( or at least looks that way). It seems this person is just starting out and would like a way to help her skip over her usual goodies. Some people on this journey are at the point where they can skip a snack but,…
  • make popcorn at home and bring it in a bag. Air popped is best. I used to eat skinny cow ( before I relized they were not that great form y diet) I suck an ice cream sandwich in there. Nuts are good, pretzels, granola, if you eat the 100 calorie packs of whatever those would be alright.
  • I talked about this with my fiance. My friends are supportive and happy for me loosing weight but that does not keep them from always wanting to go out to eat or hit the bar for drinks or hit the coffee shop for a frappe whatever. Unfortunately this is how we socialize and I have been trying to do better and find other…
  • Just becasue she has diabetes (to me) does not mean she only has to share recipes that help her condition. She could make some of her recipes healthier but, most of what she shares are family recipes or ones she has always made and I happen to love them. It is not who she is it is what she has. I just made a pumpkin loaf…
  • I do not think everyday is what " In moderation" means....
  • I guess it all depends on ones idea of what is good ( or acceptable)... I find in the health and fitness world there are varying opinions. On a side note: I think I will be having oatmeal tomorrow....
  • not getting married until 2014 but, am going to be in a wedding in May and my dress only just fits. Add ME! :)
  • I quit cold turkey and haven't had any. Everyone has slip ups but, in general I try to eat as natural as possible and not to eat out often. Edit to say before I ran into MFP I lost weight doing just what you are. I sometimes would not eat until later in the day and would need to make up the calories so what better way than…