

  • So I'm kind of bulimic...and I'm definitely an emotional eater, too. My shrink helped me by suggesting that I think about why I'm eating, like before hand write down "I'm hungry" or "I'm eating right now because I am really depressed", whatever. And also to write when I'm feeling really emotional and as if I'm going to…
  • Yum! I made this with sweetened almond milk (vanilla) and added chocolate protein powder. it was soo good!
  • Okay, so as everyone's said, you should be eating more. But I definitely understand then not eating when you're not hungry thing, and I think that's healthy, because I don't know...I just think that maybe if you're not hungry you have the right to not eat? (this is my opinion because I feel terrible if I have to eat when…
  • My abs aren't perfect, but I've gotten a few compliments on them. So I'm pretty sure you know spot reduction doesn't work,, it'll just build muscle (which is what I think you're trying to do), but when you lose weight they muscle will show more. if you carry your weight mostly on your stomach it'll be harder for them to be…