Is This Bad For Me?



  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Yes, eat more food (healthy food)! Not sugary, salty stuff. The less man-made foods you eat, the better. Your body thinks it is starving, so it is keeping everything it can (and you are losing any muscle that you had). Not good.
  • BeastieJane
    Okay, so as everyone's said, you should be eating more. But I definitely understand then not eating when you're not hungry thing, and I think that's healthy, because I don't know...I just think that maybe if you're not hungry you have the right to not eat?
    (this is my opinion because I feel terrible if I have to eat when I'm not hungry, my dad has me to this a lot).

    Anyway. I think the extra weight gain would be from a) bloat from all the salt (I love salt too though, so I also understand)
    and b) muscle

    that's just my guess, and you can feel free to ignore my opinion :)
  • TriThreat
    TriThreat Posts: 313
    Okay, so as everyone's said, you should be eating more. But I definitely understand then not eating when you're not hungry thing, and I think that's healthy, because I don't know...I just think that maybe if you're not hungry you have the right to not eat?
    (this is my opinion because I feel terrible if I have to eat when I'm not hungry, my dad has me to this a lot).

    Anyway. I think the extra weight gain would be from a) bloat from all the salt (I love salt too though, so I also understand)
    and b) muscle

    that's just my guess, and you can feel free to ignore my opinion :)

    Yeah Lol maybe I can add some protein shakes in to boost my calorie count :]
  • snowman8wa
    snowman8wa Posts: 12 Member
    Yes it is bad for you and some of the other posts have valuable information as to why. One of these days when I have some time I will work on a posting of what I've learned over the years. But here are some facts that I've sucessfully used to help me. A Dietician once told me that the basics are this. For adults: Find out what is considered a healthy weight according to the height/age/weight charts and see if you concur with the charts. (personally, I added 10% to where I know have felt "GOOD")
    UNLESS DR. APPROVED you should NEVER consume less tha 1200 calories and ONLY under supervision. Now to find out caloric needs- For (WOMEN) multiply 11 calories x (desired weight)= the number of calories you need to be that weight if you did NOTHING.....For men multiply by 12.

    On the same rationale, if yyou're overweight, you can take your current weight and multiply it by the appropriate number above, you will SWIFTLY realize how many calories you are consumming on average on a daily basis. EYE OPENER!!!!

    Why am I gaining weight? Because below 1200 calories, your body will begin to "store" calories to survive. It is worse if you add exercise to the will end up starving yourself to death and could damage organs. Read the below link about Marathon Runner Jim Fixx

    Hope this helps. This website takes some of this into consideration, that is why you get to eat more if you have incorporated you day's exercise into the equation.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Protein shakes are a good way to boost calories AND they are great for you immediately following your workout. Some taste better than others (for me, I'm partial to Muscle Milk) and some dissolve better than others. It is a trial and error kind of thing.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I started out on MfP doing exactly what you are doing. I ate <1000 calories per day... usually around 600-700. I consistently lost 1-2 pounds per week almost every week. On my TOM I gained 2 lbs, and after I would lose about 3-4. Then I started on the message boards and started reading about Starvation Mode. I got worried that I was messing up my metabolism. So, I increased my calorie intake to 1100 - 1400 every day. The first week I gained weight. The second week I stayed the same. Then guess what happened after that? I consistently lost 1-2 pounds per week almost every week, including during TOM. SO! Eat <1000 calories per day and lose 1-2 pounds per week OR eat 1100-1400 calories per day and lose 1-2 pounds per week. Tough call, right?
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • TriThreat
    TriThreat Posts: 313
    Wow I really appreciate all this info guys! I had no idea that I could be hurting myself with the "less than 1000 calories" intake. I will definitely pay more attention to the website suggestions. Thanks a lot everyone :smile:
  • Nikkiairforcewife
    Nikkiairforcewife Posts: 164 Member
    There's a free podcast available called Fat2Fit Radio (also available online) that talks about many healthy lifestyle changes to get fit including eating more calories. Check it out.

    Also, since you mentioned you love salty snacks, I can totally relate. I just learned we should keep our sodium under 2500 mg a day. So, since that's hard to do sometimes, make sure you're getting plenty of water to flush it out.

    Think of 8 8-oz. glasses as the MINIMUM.

    I try to drink 12-14 glasses a day and it's made a big difference in shedding the weight. Good luck!