

  • [...".Is this a fact that most gyms use sprung floors? I would hope so, but didn't think so..."] I belong to L.A. Fitness, a big health club/gym chain, and yes, their aerobics dance floor definitely floated or sprung. It is for safety of course, but it comes down to the liability issue. It is important to know ahead of…
  • No two Zumba classes are alike. Some are very dancy and strictly so...others incorporate dance and fitness moves and you hardly notice you are doing those. Staying on the beat, having rhythm, being organized are all important. Everyone has a slightly different idea of what Zumba should be and because there is no ongoing…
  • I LOVE dancing. And I wanted to teach so badly. I took the Basic Zumba workshop and received a "license" nine months ago. I get annoyed when a Zumba instructor states they are certified. Even the Zumba ZES instructors tell you in the workshops that you are licensed to use the Zumba name, and the logo (but only if you are a…
  • I live in Seattle and am a member of LA Fitness. Our club is not so bad (IMHO), but then I go at the off times, like mid morning. I understand it gets jammed during peak hours. I just found out from the front desk gal two days ago, that LA Fitness was buying up the Bally Clubs. For some it will be good, but I am sure that…
  • Half a bagel with almond butter (almond butter has been proven to regulate blood sugar), mug of herbal tea, but sometimes coffee for the caffeine kick, and fruit.
  • I love the Biochem Whey Protein powder, chocolate fudge (vanilla isn't bad, either). I am 5'0 tall and weight 106 lbs. I do weight training (alternate upper and lower) 3x per week. I am heavy on cardio, doing aerobic dance or my own version of zumba style dancing 4 days per week. I found that I was fatiguing quickly during…
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