What annoys you about your Zumba class?



  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I just want to say- a lot of you people are a-holes. Stop complaining about the people who have two left feet, at least they are working out and having FUN!!! Why should they have to stay home or be stuck on the treadmill just because they weren't blessed with the gift of dance?

    I go to Zumba and look ridiculous, but I feel awesome. Y'all just a bunch of haterz!

    Very Very true....I love my class.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I have been to Zumba classes at three different studios under 6 different instructors. They are ALL different.

    The one I attend now is my absolute favorite.

    I don't like a class if it doesn't feel "dancy" ... if we are doing kicks, squats, jumping jacks, and lunges, that is NOT zumba! This was the problem I had with one place.. I did like her "toning" songs.. but the others just didn't feel right to me.

    The class I attend now is taught by a lady who is also a personal trainer, she always has a box of coin skirt things if anyone wants to borrow and wear one.. her routines are well thought out, fun, easy to follow, but still a great work out!

    I don't care for big classes or classes on carpet. I also don't like kids running around.. Zumba is my time for myself, so I leave my kid at home.

    Why isn't it?

    Zumba is dancing. Jumping Jacks are a great workout.. but it's not dancing.

    See I don't see Zumba as a "dance class" It is a workout class. My favorite instructor incorporates a lot of jumping, squats, etc.......still fun and lots of dance moves and an excellent workout!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I have been to Zumba classes at three different studios under 6 different instructors. They are ALL different.

    The one I attend now is my absolute favorite.

    I don't like a class if it doesn't feel "dancy" ... if we are doing kicks, squats, jumping jacks, and lunges, that is NOT zumba! This was the problem I had with one place.. I did like her "toning" songs.. but the others just didn't feel right to me.

    The class I attend now is taught by a lady who is also a personal trainer, she always has a box of coin skirt things if anyone wants to borrow and wear one.. her routines are well thought out, fun, easy to follow, but still a great work out!

    I don't care for big classes or classes on carpet. I also don't like kids running around.. Zumba is my time for myself, so I leave my kid at home.

    Why isn't it?

    Zumba is dancing. Jumping Jacks are a great workout.. but it's not dancing.

    See I don't see Zumba as a "dance class" It is a workout class. My favorite instructor incorporates a lot of jumping, squats, etc.......still fun and lots of dance moves and an excellent workout!

    I completely agree, Sizzle92! Those things are tried and true and should be part of any good workout. A good instructor knows that and how to incorporate them into the dance-based program so that they don't feel mundane. They really up the intensity level. Love my instructor!!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Yep! He starts every class saying "welcome to Zumba! This is not Dancing with the Stars....So you think you can Zumba....this is a work out class!" So true......and we still TOTALLY get our dance on. We even get alittle naughty from time to time! ;) But it's a work out class....not a dance class!
  • lorigreg
    lorigreg Posts: 61
    Last night I had my 4th Zumba class and I love it more and more each time. However, I am soooooooooooo tired the day after. Then after that 1st day following the class, I seem to have so much more energy. I'm so hoping and praying that I will see some results.
  • mejustsmaller316
    mejustsmaller316 Posts: 134 Member
    Nothing, I love Zumba.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    The one lady that wears a belly dancing belt during class. And a teacher that doesn't know how own dance.

    You mean the scarf with the jingly things on it? What's wrong with that? I'm the only one in my class with one and although I don't wear it all the time, there's something about it that makes me want to move my hips even more...give up more BOOM and POW. Love the jinglies!! I have four.

    I've been to three different locations for class, one class everyone wears them, the other two no one did. I bought one for the class I go to, they do seem to get me to move my hips more, which leads to a better core workout IMO.
  • tobykang
    tobykang Posts: 24
    What annoys me most about Zumba:

    1) One instructor I had does "ariba ariba ayyeeee ayeeeee" yippy sound during class during class. Yeah yeah I know they're into it but I can find it ultra distracting.

    2) Some of the weird jiggly butt moves where you go around in a circle in place because I feel like a bird auditioning for Pixars Rio but this is mainly me being conscious :)
  • carenj1990
    carenj1990 Posts: 27 Member
    Everything you said plus he instructor who does not recognize or prep new students for the classes, so newbies are running around like idiots.:explode:
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    Two complaints about my class:

    1. She starts class 10-15 minutes late every time. We still do 60 minutes of exercise, but we are there for close to 1-1/2 hours.

    2. She forgets her own routines. Start, stop, switch and so forth.

    Other than that, I love zumba and my instructor.

    General complaint on zumba classes would be that I can't find one in mid-afternoon when I leave work. I have to wait 2 to 4 hours for a class to begin. I'm in a fairly large city, but still no classes during that time frame.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    I have been to Zumba classes at three different studios under 6 different instructors. They are ALL different.

    The one I attend now is my absolute favorite.

    I don't like a class if it doesn't feel "dancy" ... if we are doing kicks, squats, jumping jacks, and lunges, that is NOT zumba! This was the problem I had with one place.. I did like her "toning" songs.. but the others just didn't feel right to me.

    The class I attend now is taught by a lady who is also a personal trainer, she always has a box of coin skirt things if anyone wants to borrow and wear one.. her routines are well thought out, fun, easy to follow, but still a great work out!

    I don't care for big classes or classes on carpet. I also don't like kids running around.. Zumba is my time for myself, so I leave my kid at home.

    I am an instructor, & I wanted to say that this is not true at all! We are TOLD to incorporate fitness moves intermittently throughout our class! It is a fitness class as much as a dance class, & all areas can't be focused on with dance moves alone! This is part of our training to get licensed & you SHOULD be seeing some of this in your classes!
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    I love Zumba but I agree I hate it when it's too full and also when you get people there who mess about and (sorry mums) bring their kids. They are not doing it to get fit they just stand around talking.

    You don't have to be good at it you have to enjoy it which means making the effort but it's not a gossip class or a childcare class!
  • Jamee_J
    Jamee_J Posts: 63
    I took a zumba class for the first time this week. And I was nervous because of my size, but I work out at curves with women of all ages and sizes. We had maybe 12 of us. Classes are $2.00 and I had a BLAST!!! I was able to break down moves so I could do them and went the full hour. I can't wait to do it again next week!
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    Stay home n dance. I do kinect n hip hop abs, not so bad n I also have zumba but really havent gotting into it. at least you wont get trampled. lol:smile:
  • littleleers
    I LOVE dancing. And I wanted to teach so badly. I took the Basic Zumba workshop and received a "license" nine months ago.

    I get annoyed when a Zumba instructor states they are certified. Even the Zumba ZES instructors tell you in the workshops that you are licensed to use the Zumba name, and the logo (but only if you are a ZIN member). Certification is reserved for a course that requires study, knowledge and passing a qualifying test.

    The best combination for a Zumba instructor is one who is Group Fitness certified with either AFAA, ACE, or another recognized fitness certifying organization. The certification indicates that your instructor is well aware of how to safely lead you in cardio exercise. Often, on Youtube Zumba dance vids I see instructors doing unsafe things, such as an improper warmups and risky high impact moves

    Here where I live, I participated in a couple of classes that were taught by Pro dancers (they were awesome!) This dance studio attracts huge classes because the instruction is so good. The downside? The classes are crammed, people complain about not being able to move about freely. Also, the two sessions I attended the warmup was inadequate. Believe me, for the deconditioned or the older person, this is critical!

    That being said, Zumba is a mass market product. It is fantastic because it can be fun and it gets women (and men) off the couch and moving. But, I agree, that the best classes are way too crowded and far too many studios do not care about that.

    For now, I dance on my own. I adore dancing and would love to teach. I will be certified soon, but would much rather do a Cardio Dance class and not be tied to Zumba's rules, regs, and high expenses. I also am bored with the repetitive signature Zumba moves. It likely is comforting for many as they learn the routines and it makes their work out more pleasurable. But for anyone with a zest and desire to do interesting dance/aerobic moves, Zumba does not have enough of that.

    Good Zumba instructors are few and far between, and that is because Zumba Inc. is mainly interested in cranking out instructors by the boatloads, with far too little instruction and/or qualifications. After one day of a Zumba workshop and suddenly you are qualified??

    Also, be aware that many Zumba instructors will start classes in church basements or wherever they can find a spare room. Be sure that the floor is a "sprung floor". All good health clubs have aerobic's rooms with sprung floors or what is known as a floating floor. Your knees and joints will thank you. I recently took a Zumba class in our church's basement. It had a hardwood floor, but after the session, my knees hurt.....hardwood floor that had been laid over concrete!!! Know what your dance surface is before you start.
  • littleleers
    No two Zumba classes are alike. Some are very dancy and strictly so...others incorporate dance and fitness moves and you hardly notice you are doing those. Staying on the beat, having rhythm, being organized are all important.

    Everyone has a slightly different idea of what Zumba should be and because there is no ongoing monitoring for the instructors, you get what you get. Fortunately, there are so many instructors, you can usually find one who matches a style you enjoy.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member

    Also, be aware that many Zumba instructors will start classes in church basements or wherever they can find a spare room. Be sure that the floor is a "sprung floor". All good health clubs have aerobic's rooms with sprung floors or what is known as a floating floor. Your knees and joints will thank you. I recently took a Zumba class in our church's basement. It had a hardwood floor, but after the session, my knees hurt.....hardwood floor that had been laid over concrete!!! Know what your dance surface is before you start.
    Is this a fact that most gyms use sprung floors? I would hope so, but didn't think so.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member

    Also, be aware that many Zumba instructors will start classes in church basements or wherever they can find a spare room. Be sure that the floor is a "sprung floor". All good health clubs have aerobic's rooms with sprung floors or what is known as a floating floor. Your knees and joints will thank you. I recently took a Zumba class in our church's basement. It had a hardwood floor, but after the session, my knees hurt.....hardwood floor that had been laid over concrete!!! Know what your dance surface is before you start.
    Is this a fact that most gyms use sprung floors? I would hope so, but didn't think so.

    Only one of the gyms in my home town does.

    I went to one of the "biggest" ladies gyms here and was very surprised to see that the room used for zumba had concrete floors covered in carpet. :noway:

    There was a huge studio here that did nothing but Zumba. She had concrete floors.

    The gym I go to now is tiny, but she has the floating floor and it is awesome!!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I've discovered Aqua Zumba, can not wait to try it out
  • kidral97
    kidral97 Posts: 23 Member
    i LOVE zumba. but i have to agree...popular class is always over-crowded. the instructor favorites are always upfront & of course...they look like they dont need zumba! smh...glad i'm there for ME & my health