My sister is 8 months pregnant and 1 of her children said to me "auntie ceri when are you having your baby, cause your belly is the same size as mummy's so you must be having a baby" needless to say i was mortified and that was the push i needed. I also stopped smoking a year ago also as same nephew said i was gonna die,…
hi from Lincolnshire feel free to add me cerib78 :smile: :smile:
welcome and good luck hun, added you :-)
add you hun x
HI sara nice to meet you, i am ceri and i'm 33 from linconshire feel free to add me cerib78 :smile:
OMG they sound so nice, i just wish i could bake lol......will have to ask the mother in law lol:laugh:
Hi all mine is Ceri ( pronounced Kerry ) feel free to add me could do with the motivation :laugh:
Hiya feel free to add me on day 10 myself :smile:
Hiya add me if you want i am on day 10 so could use the motivationt as well. Any one else feel free to add me as well. :wink: