Day 2 of my weightloss journey, looking for Friends.


Im on day 2 of my weight loss journey. I am incredibly motivated due to a life threatening hospital stay just a few days ago (Actually had nothing to do with my weight) I am 26 years old and over 350 pounds. I have been single my entire life I feel due to my weight. It almost seems as if most people dont even give you the time of day any more unless you are good looking. I tell ya! society today is corrupt. But that is not my motivation. I want to be healthy, I dont want to die before im 40. So using this site to track my meals and excersise but mainly to find friends and support and I would like to support you as well, please, whatever age whatever gender race Add me, lets support each other in our goals =) I threw out all of my coke I was drinking 2 cases a week, I threw out all the cookies and chips and junk, I am looking for advice from people also on the journey with questions such as, "I see people on my MFP all the time talk about how they had fast food one day of the week or pizza and beer, Is that okay?" Questions like that. so please, Add me!!! I have also started a youtube video Vlog that I want to do daily if you look for MrPapersun =)


  • geohow11
    geohow11 Posts: 126 Member

    Im on day 2 of my weight loss journey. I am incredibly motivated due to a life threatening hospital stay just a few days ago (Actually had nothing to do with my weight) I am 26 years old and over 350 pounds. I have been single my entire life I feel due to my weight. It almost seems as if most people dont even give you the time of day any more unless you are good looking. I tell ya! society today is corrupt. But that is not my motivation. I want to be healthy, I dont want to die before im 40. So using this site to track my meals and excersise but mainly to find friends and support and I would like to support you as well, please, whatever age whatever gender race Add me, lets support each other in our goals =) I threw out all of my coke I was drinking 2 cases a week, I threw out all the cookies and chips and junk, I am looking for advice from people also on the journey with questions such as, "I see people on my MFP all the time talk about how they had fast food one day of the week or pizza and beer, Is that okay?" Questions like that. so please, Add me!!! I have also started a youtube video Vlog that I want to do daily if you look for MrPapersun =)

    Add Me! I was were you are and more 360+
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Feel free to add me if you don't mind the nutty California girls.
  • christinal83
    christinal83 Posts: 84 Member
    Sent you a request =)
  • tahula
    tahula Posts: 2 Member
    go ahead add me!
    Good luck
  • Asharee011
    Asharee011 Posts: 129 Member
    Feel free to add me! The more support the easier it is:)
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    be sure to add me :) i can definatly help with any questions you might have, i worked in the weightloss industry for 5 years and would love to do all i can to help... that and i need people to help keep me motivated as well i love seeing peoples progress. This is also more or less my first day back on MFP!!
    Talk soon
  • Ameerrante
    Ameerrante Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, I'll add you and any and all can add me!

    F/22/WA USA/262lbs
  • kittykat925
    kittykat925 Posts: 64 Member
    you can add me :)
    the more friends, the better the inspiration AND motivation :tongue:
  • Julie2402
    Julie2402 Posts: 126
    Hi, i too have sent you a request, good luck, this site is great!!
  • cerib78
    cerib78 Posts: 9 Member
    Hiya add me if you want i am on day 10 so could use the motivationt as well. Any one else feel free to add me as well. :wink:
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    Add me. I am fairly new here, I just joined 1 week ago. I don't have to lose that much weight. But, I will try to motivate you. I will say this website has motivated me by just being on here. When I am home, I always have this site and FB up. It just is the silent reminder to keep on goal.
    I am still struggling with the diet part. I know that I am doing alright with the fact that I am exercising every day and I am cutting back on snacking and what I eat. I have also almost completely eliminated soda from my diet. On the days I did have soda, I had way less than what I would have before.
    If you are looking for exercise videos that is very easy to do and follow at any weight is Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds videos. You can find them at Wal-mart or Target. They usually cost under $20. I have never tried zumba otor anything like that her videos I have been doing off and on for almost 8 years.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Great vlog! You are very well spoken. You are definitely on the right path.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member

    You're on the right track. Just remember this isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change.

    Good Luck!
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    I will send you a friends request.
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    Good luck to you! The beginning is the hardest, but it will get easier as you go. I started at 315.5 and in 3 months am down 43 pounds. Stay committed, but don't deprive yourself of anything! I have one sweet a day, and just had pizza a few days ago. This is a lifestyle change, and a forever kind of thing. You can do this! Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Hey All- woke up one day and looked at my self in the mirror and thought i look terrible. New year new resolution get back to a healthy weight and stop eating junk! Hopefully with this i can achieve my goal and look and feel great! Wish me luck! Out with the fat in with the sleek LOL!
  • Welcome to mfp! I've sent you a request. :-)

  • Natz_20
    Natz_20 Posts: 62 Member

    I just started last week and my first weigh in is on tues!!

    Scared but I am totally focused on the new me that I can visualise in my head heehee!!

    Please feel free to add me!!

    Natz :bigsmile:

  • I will add you, and would appreciate any and all friend requests myself!
  • lgoss87
    lgoss87 Posts: 30 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me, I struggle to keep this goin and flit on and off, I think friends will help!