

  • Hi everyone! I to need to lose 100+ lbs. I continue to find myself doing well for a few weeks and then I can't keep to my eating habits and exercising. I really need help sticking to this life change and would love any advice and help you all have to offer on what has worked for you. Most recently I lost 20 lbs and three…
  • hey everyone. I'm not doing the 30 day shred but I noticed a bunch of you needing to lose 100lbs or more and I'm also in that boat. I was hoping we could all encourage eachother. I've gone back and forth on losing weight and really want these good habits to stick this time! hope you are all doing well and feeling good…
  • Just started P90X today and boy did it kick my butt, but in a good way! my arms feel like jello but at the same I like knowing that they hurt because I'm doing something good for my body. Question though, how do you log the work outs everyday here on my fitness pal? anyone found an easy way to do it?
  • what equipment do you need to do this program? would I have to go out and buy a bunch of stuff in order to do the program?