P90X - Starting April 8, 2012



  • FittingIn
    FittingIn Posts: 162 Member
    I've been reading through the manuals in preparation for my start on Sunday 1st and I'm not sure about following the diet plan. Are you guys planning on following it to the letter? I'm thinking I will continue trying to eat healthy, with maximum protein, for the majority of the time and keep within my calorie goals set on here. How about you?

    Has anyone done the fitness test yet? I've just bought a chin up bar and decided to have a go - I couldn't lift my body even a centimetre!

    The diet makes a huge difference in losing the weight. Here is a link to a simplification of the P90X diet and nutrition info. http://teamripped.com/nutrition-all-in-one
  • I have p90x but what is the lean program??
  • Now that I hear everyone talking about it... I'm wondering if I am remembering wrong and that I have p90 and not p90x...
  • Add me too!
  • This sounds like such a great idea. I just started the p90x program. This will be day 5 for me. I would lovr to get a group of people that could share the journey with me. I am doing the classsic and watching what i eat. It is an extremely challenging workout and i am really sore, but not wanting to give up. Anyone who wants supportt please friend me. I am new to the site and feel that i would be more successful with supportive people
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    i got the chin up bar and it won`t fit in any of my doorways...So out came the grinder and the drill...2 hours later its bolted to the wall..Much to my wifes dismay..:laugh:
  • what equipment do you need to do this program? would I have to go out and buy a bunch of stuff in order to do the program?
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Well, off to a bad start. I tried starting last Sunday (4/1) and got through day 1 just fine. Caught a nasty cold the next day and have spent the past week coughing, combined with my normal allergies, I was too worn out and unable to work out. Still dieted and lost about 2.5 lbs though. Hoping to restart the program this week. Hope you all got off to good start this week.
  • wyangel
    wyangel Posts: 36
    i got the chin up bar and it won`t fit in any of my doorways...So out came the grinder and the drill...2 hours later its bolted to the wall..Much to my wifes dismay..:laugh:

  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Just started Week 11! (after having to take a week off here and there for being sick)

    Haven't lost as much weight as I wanted to yet (the friends that have done it told me the weight comes off in Phase 3), but I dropped 4 sizes in jeans, and people say I look more 'compact'.

    Anybody feel free to friend me! (I didn't like the coach thing too much either, lots of good info on the site in general though)
  • Just started P90X today and boy did it kick my butt, but in a good way! my arms feel like jello but at the same I like knowing that they hurt because I'm doing something good for my body. Question though, how do you log the work outs everyday here on my fitness pal? anyone found an easy way to do it?
  • 2fabfromfat
    2fabfromfat Posts: 34 Member
    Just started P90X today and boy did it kick my butt, but in a good way! my arms feel like jello but at the same I like knowing that they hurt because I'm doing something good for my body. Question though, how do you log the work outs everyday here on my fitness pal? anyone found an easy way to do it?

    I use my hear rate monitor to figure how many calories I burn during the workouts... Otherwise though, I'd maybe track it as interval training or, depending which work out you are doing... You could also google calorie calculators that I think can calculate how many calories you burn based on your age, gender, height, weight, length of workout and intensity of workout... It wouldn't be 100% accurate, but it would be better than nothing :)
  • 2fabfromfat
    2fabfromfat Posts: 34 Member
    I did my first day yesterday as planned and my whole core is hurting today!!! Excited for Cardio X tonight!!
  • 2fabfromfat
    2fabfromfat Posts: 34 Member
    Now that I hear everyone talking about it... I'm wondering if I am remembering wrong and that I have p90 and not p90x...

    p90 only has like 3 dvd's I think and p90x has 12 discs.... There are 3 different programs in P90X, classic, lean and doubles (which is basically doing two workouts a day)... The different workouts for p90x are Cardio X, core synergestics, shoulders and arms, ab ripper X, legs and back, kenpo X, chest and back, etc, etc that's all I can think of for now! LOL... I think p90 only have like a couple different levels of cardio and strength... so those are the biggest differences between p90 and p90x.
  • Skwirletta
    Skwirletta Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting this week too. Would love to join the group. I'm going to change it up a bit though........
    This time I will swap the cardio, plyo and kenpo for body combat at Goodlife..........and body Flow in stead of the Yoga..........
    And will follow the strength/weighted workouts at home.

    I did the 90 days 2 years ago.....and it was amazing how much strength I gained......I went from hating to loving pushups.......but still could not do more than one unassited pull up. This time I'm going to try and get to 3.

    I did not take pics or track measurements........but lost about 17lbs.
  • kayla1025
    kayla1025 Posts: 104 Member
    Im on week 6 of p90x and loving it! Ive missed days here and there but always start off where i left off again. Ive lost about 8pounds since being on and definetly some inches! Im not doing the mail plan but trying to watch what i eat which is super hard with a hubby not dieting and the kids lol.
    Feel free to add me would love motivation buddies doing p90x also! :)
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I ordered the program yesterday and it should be here for me to start on the 19th.... Is it too late for me to join theis group? I'm going to need lots of support to keep pushing play(and not just watching the video LOL).
  • 2fabfromfat
    2fabfromfat Posts: 34 Member
    I ordered the program yesterday and it should be here for me to start on the 19th.... Is it too late for me to join theis group? I'm going to need lots of support to keep pushing play(and not just watching the video LOL).

    No it's definitely not too late to join, it's never too late for the X!! LOL :) Welcome to the group.
  • Hello All!

    I just started this Monday and I am doing it every night after a 8-10 hour workday. I am finally able to keep up with some of the routines ;-). Is there a group I can join to see some results and follow some "friends".
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i was going to start with you :-) but on monday i met with a trainer for some semi private training and now i think i have exercise ADD. i want to do p90x again, and kick it up a notch. i want to do body for life from day 1 for about 6 weeks. i want to work with this personal trainer twice a week one on one..... i want to do a whole lotta stuff and obviously i can't :-)

    i am hoping to have some sort of plan in place by monday!