Lisa_D1989 Member


  • I was looking at the flex today and I think it's only water resistant. I don't think they recommend it for swimming.
  • I'm very disappointed to write this post, but I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to do this. I just attempted video 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit, and I could no longer go on after 25 minutes. I felt physically sick and extremely exhausted. I think I have underestimated this workout and I can't see myself turning on this…
  • Hi Everyone! I've just started Insanity today. I really hope I can stick it out to the end with everyone's support here. I tried the 30 day shred, and was unsuccessful at finishing. But I feel like I've gained the motivation to stick with this one. Here's my Day 1 fit test results: Switch Kicks: 60 Power Jacks: 31 Power…
  • I only drink once in a blue moon, so a hangover is not a regular occurrence for me. BUT I did skip my gym workout yesterday as well because I was just too busy. I think I will go with some low intensity cardio to start with, and see how I feel after that. :drinker:
  • Smoked African Cod with Eggplant and Capsicum pesto sauce, brocolli, cauliflower, carrots, and sweet potato fries.
  • I once tried to find a healthier (lower calorie) version of dry pasta. I found a packet of durum wheat semolina pasta at the supermarket and compared the nutritional information on the back. I was amazed to see it contained half the amount of calories than the regular pasta. So I bought it. After inspecting the nutritional…
  • I try to add spinach to practically eveything. I put it into currys, on top of home made pizza , in sweet potato mash, sauteed with onions, in sandwiches instead of lettuce, in pasta sauce, mixed into a cauliflower bake.