the most crazy thing i saw, a girl i used to go school with announcing to her 1000+ 'friends' that she has been put on diazapan. im not certain all 1000 friends are actual friends that she should be confiding her new medicine in. begs the question- how many friends on facebook are actual FRIENDS?
that is fantastic and heart warming, we have strawberry fields near us and i relish watching my son running up and down the rows trying to find 'the best strawberry!'
yooo whooooo! hello from Chester! x
i used to check this out alot.....mainly at my boyfriends request!!! i find it difficult to work out at home, i dont get as motivated as taking clases at the gym but her workouts are great for using body weight as resistance and educating youself if your stuck for routines.
this is my first week on here, a little confused by challenges but this one seems simple enough!! IM IN!!!
there is a lady at body combat that scares me, there is working through the pain angry then there is crazy combat lady!!!
thats fantastic!! lol