Lovely.... cardigan ^_^
Yes, chips, cheese and mayonnaise. .... Im lactose intolerant! But it tasted so good!
Confidence, humour, romantic, independence Arrogance, guys who prat around with their hair and clothes and generally taking longer to get ready than me, dependance and desperation - are all a big, fat NOOOOOOOO!!!
Al Pacino Love -The Godfather Trilogy Like - Scent Of A Woman Hate - Nothing...he's ace! Kiefer Sutherland
A knitted Snowman from the animation The Snowman. I loved him ^_^
This is exactly what I do!
She will be using cocaine, have an eating and a social disorder by the time she is 11! Such a waste of a young life. Children should be carefree, not sporting the latest trends!
Something that means something to you?
bake and fly
of 10 other
I work in a specialist college and assist teaching and learning to those with disabilities
Just me! ^_^
Just me! ^_^
We have been together for 7 years, its only in the past 2 I knew I wanted to get married, mainly because we now want a family and for us all to have the same name. Honestly, you know when its right. It could be now, it could be in 'x' amount of months or years. My advice would be not to spend time worrying about a…
Today my boyfriend and I were debating gifts for a mutual friends 30th birthday. Looking at Adventure Days etc there was one he saw were you can play golf, however, my boyfriend said you need a "handicap" to play there I replied, " well I can sort that out as I work with people with learning dis and can get access to…
Badly. Am NOT a morning person !
I know right?! That wasn't how it was supposed to be but hey! Blowing
Rachel Bilson - small, cute, not too thin not too fat ^_^
I used to want one, back when I was younger and insecure (and probably had better boobs then anyway)! Now I'm more mature and confident I accept that my partner likes me just the way I am ....and if he doesn't? He can sod off! ^_^
I too have to line up all the skittles sort them and eat them colour order! I also have to do things in 3's (check oven is off, kiss my boyfriend 3 times, have him kiss me three times, three biscuits etc etc)!