DCarney Member


  • Cutting out grains and sugar. My gut never felt better and no more slumps in energy! Wooooo Hoooooo!!!
  • I am 36 yrs old, mom to 2 beautiful boys and fairly close to hitting my goal. I have been using MFP for about 7 months and I'm just now connecting with people via message boards. My "story" is that I injured my back while 5 months pregnant last year. I was unable to workout or even go to work for that matter. I was…
  • I started out with taking meds in the morning as well. When my meds were gradually increased, I started to have palpitations and felt "jittery". I talked to my Endo and she said suggested I start taking them at night before bed. It made a huge difference and I haven't experienced that since.
  • I am impressed with the story AND the title (nice pun!)