

  • I think it's right you know, only because there is a diet at the moment that is doing really well where you fast for one day, then the next you eat normally (within reason). it's promoted as a detox diet. i'm not doing it personally but i know someone that is and they are losing. so i would guess that the overall weekly…
    in Calorie Help Comment by juebob July 2011
  • Thanx everyone. i'll start counting it all. the only problem is that i eat so much fruit and veg i won't be able to eat anything else!! haha. By the way i'm looking for some MFP friends so if any of you would like to add me that'd be great. Thanx again for your replies. Julie x
  • I usually have a small bowl of 50% fruit muesli with some pouring yogurt, it's yummy and definitely keeps you going! 
  • Hi everyone, I know that I'm a little late, but can join? I've got lots of Events coming up ( including my first holiday abroad with my fiancé) And I'd love to look as sexy as poss in my swimsuit! So if it's ok let me Know. Thanx 