

  • Yeah, unfortunately it is something only surgery can truly fix. I lost 90 pounds and was at a BMI of 18% crazy skinny/active (125 @5'9") and I still had the hanging belly. Actually now that I've gained back 10 pounds it looks slightly less saggy, but still bulges over my pants when I sit down. Loose skin from giving birth…
  • I am vegetarian, but I try to eat mostly vegan, if you're okay with that, I'd love to be your friend.
  • I had my kid 2 years ago and still have it. I lost 90lbs and it is improved, but not gone. I've started lifting and focusing on a few more core workouts, I think it will always be there unless I get surgery though. I may get it one day, but it's very expensive. I've read that dry brushing can improve it.
  • I can buy jeans online!! Knowing my size feels great, I also enjoy just feeling smaller in general. I like being able to squeeze between the wall and a chair, or curl up in a tiny ball in my husband's arms when we are cuddling. It feels amazing to be able to run up the stairs of our apartment and not get winded. I love…
  • Hi! I'm 26 years old; 5'9" and 210lbs starting out. Now 135lbs. Lowest weight a half year ago was 125lbs. I actually ended up losing 70lbs In my first 9 months, this became a 90lb weight loss three months after that & now a year later I have gained back 10lbs (and look a lot healthier). I lost it all so quickly by becoming…