Any pictures, tips or sucess stories of women between 5' 7" and 5' 9 without weight loss surgery?



  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    I'm 5'8 and have gone from 200 to 150. Eating less, moving more.

  • Heirgreat
    Heirgreat Posts: 262 Member
    Wow just wow you all look so beautiful
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 5'7 and went from 210 to 150 in 2013 and I have been maintaining between 145 and 150 since then.

    It took about a year and a half to lose 60 pounds. I took it slow, didn't restrict myself too much and exercised 5 days a week.

    Best advice I can give is to find what works for you and stick to it.
  • rialucia82
    rialucia82 Posts: 21 Member
    I had a good, solid, slow weight loss of 60 lbs over 3 years by changing my lifestyle to make exercise a regular activity, and most of what I ate was food that I prepared myself. I eventually took up running, and that helped a lot. Unfortunately, I had a major setback after I went to grad school and put back on 40 lbs, and I graduated over a year ago, so what's my excuse now? There is none; it's just time to start getting back into my good habits.
  • Ivelissegmorales
    Ivelissegmorales Posts: 65 Member
    rialucia82 wrote: »
    I had a good, solid, slow weight loss of 60 lbs over 3 years by changing my lifestyle to make exercise a regular activity, and most of what I ate was food that I prepared myself. I eventually took up running, and that helped a lot. Unfortunately, I had a major setback after I went to grad school and put back on 40 lbs, and I graduated over a year ago, so what's my excuse now? There is none; it's just time to start getting back into my good habits.

    When it comes to weight gain, I have learned that stress is a major trigger. Stay focused! You can do it!
  • Ivelissegmorales
    Ivelissegmorales Posts: 65 Member
    Zelinna wrote: »
    I'm 5'7 and went from 210 to 150 in 2013 and I have been maintaining between 145 and 150 since then.

    It took about a year and a half to lose 60 pounds. I took it slow, didn't restrict myself too much and exercised 5 days a week.

    Best advice I can give is to find what works for you and stick to it.

    Wow! Awesome!
  • Ivelissegmorales
    Ivelissegmorales Posts: 65 Member
    sistrsprkl wrote: »
    I'm 5'8 and have gone from 200 to 150. Eating less, moving more.

    You look amazing!
  • Ivelissegmorales
    Ivelissegmorales Posts: 65 Member
    pimpin_po wrote: »
    I am 5'7. I started at 210-215 pound, didn't weigh myself that much so don't know exactly. I started September 24th, 2013 and lost weight through counting calories daily and exercising 5-6 X per week. I found a love of running and did that A LOT. I have got down to 128 in the past year and my happy weight is 135 (What I am in the pictures). I am back up to 153 after moving away from home but am working back towards 135! :)
    here are some pictures

    You look great! Congratulations!
  • Ivelissegmorales
    Ivelissegmorales Posts: 65 Member
    I just want to say that everyone of you are looking amazing! Thanks for the tips and the awesome pictures. They will be an inspiration to me and to all the other readers. Thanks! ;)
  • Ivelissegmorales
    Ivelissegmorales Posts: 65 Member
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    5'8 and started at 227. Weight Watchers and a beginners run/walk program and then MFP. Now 178 and fighting with peri menopause and a sudden 10lbs gain, but lifting heavy and adding muscle. Before the crazy hormone thing attacked me I was maintaining at 168....
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    edited December 2014
  • Ivelissegmorales
    Ivelissegmorales Posts: 65 Member
    5'7, and 260+ to 170+ :)
    Wow! You look amazing! Congratulations! How long it took you to go down to 170?

  • lilianhill
    lilianhill Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'9" and started at 165-170 Jan 2014. With the help I've lost 20 pounds and maintained at 145. Working toward 140 this year but intend to do it slowly. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I am 5'7.5". my highest weight was 190. I got down to 146 from running, hiking, yoga and eating better. I got injured and had to stop running (bad back) and then I slacked off on the healthy eating and put some weight back on. I'm currently about 160 and looking to get to 140. I am still pretty active with hiking, yoga so I'm trying to get back on track with the eating, and I just started going to the gym to do weights and maybe some classes as well.
  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    I'm 5'8", 44 years old and started here in May at my highest weight ever – 372. I'm now down to 306 and want to get down to 150 or so, depending on how things look and feel when I get closer. (I haven't been that weight since my sophomore year of college!)

    Anyway, I've decided NOT to rush things or have a timetable. Slow and steady wins this race for me, I think. Logging my food, adding more and more activity as I go along has really helped. I also blog regularly and I think that really helps me, too. Being connected with others online is crucial – the support from people who know what it's like to go through these changes is amazing. I also find that using apps and gadgets makes it fun. I have a Misfit Flash and I use various apps like Pact, Happy Scale, Runtastic, and Couch to 5K to help me along. I love collecting data so I weigh daily but have an official weigh-in day weekly.

    Trial and error – finding what really works for you – and not giving up until you find the right tools is really important. Just making positive changes for your overall health and keeping at them is what counts. If you slip up, you start over as soon as you can. You don't look back. :)

    My blog is at if you're interested.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am 5'9" and on April 18th, 2014, I was 375.3 lbs. This morning, I was 257.6lbs. That is 117.7lbs. I have roughly another 100lbs to go to get into range of my final goal, but the differences thus far just amaze me. I feel so much better, I have tons more energy, I just feel "lighter" and not just physically.

  • louie61403
    louie61403 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'7" and have lost 50 lbs . I started at 220 and now floating in the upper 160's. I'd like to lose about 10 more pounds. It took me almost 2 years. I lost the first 30 or so doing a pretty rigorous diet (Ideal Protein without the coach part) and then maintained through the rest of 2013 and then in 2014 I added exercise into my diet and have lost another 20 lbs. I'm not in it to lose and be super skinny. I want to be happy in my own skin and not feel like the fat girl. The problem I face now is I've made friends at the gym and all the people I talk to are super thin so now I still feel like the fat girl all the time - OY! It's been a long journey BUT I feel like by doing it slowly, I've tried to change my lifestyle and how I eat all the time and not just a diet. Exercise has become a need for me. I love how I feel after exercising.
    - In terms of what worked for me - first it was the diet and cutting out a lot of sugar and carbs and redeveloping how I eat. Then I found that I love group exercise. Not for everyone but for me, it works. I like the pack mentality. I will quit if I'm working out at home but during a class, I am motivated to keep up and keep going. I had tried running and didn't enjoy it so I tried some things and found what I didn't like. Now I keep trying different classes at the gym and when I think I can't do something - I find I love it.

    Good luck and don't give up!
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    I am 5'-7" and don't mess with weight (I will weigh myself and re-access when I'm at my preferred size), but in 175 days I've gone from size 16-almost-18 to 10-almost-8 (10's are loose, 8's still a bit uncomfortably tight. I want to be back to a size 6, so just a little left to go!)

    Tips (with examples from my own experience):

    1. BE ACCURATE. Get a digital scale! Weigh your portions! You are probably eating more than you think but may surprise yourself (pasta, man. I was just going with the '1 cup cooked' rule and was so sad... then actually weighed a dry portion and cooked it... and it was like 3 times more than I thought!)

    2. DON'T DENY YOURSELF. Yes it's better to make 'better' (ie: less fat, more filling, etc) choices, but if you *really* want pizza, just *eat pizza*! You may want to go for thin crust with light cheese and lots of veggies so you can easily fit 2-3 slices in your calorie limit, but if you want greasy and fluffy crust, just do that and eat 1 or 2 slices instead! (I make a 'tortilla pizza' that's 8" and 200 calories of cheesy goodness for the whole thing, and eat two!)

    3. THINGS CONTAINING SWEET FRUIT DO NOT NEED SUGAR ADDED. Not even fake sugar (exception: baked goods and cranberries. Obviously a cheesecake with fruit on top but no sweetener in the cake would be pretty gross). This may sound in contrast to #2, but this drives me batty. If you want something super sweet and 'unhealthy', eat ice cream, or chocolate, or a donut. It's not denying yourself to eat fruit without more sweet added. (I make a pumpkin pie smoothie that tastes sweeter than the one I used to crave and has 1/4 the sugar. I use banana, milk, and vanilla extract in place of sugar and vanilla yogurt because pumpkin is pretty sweet on its own as is banana!)

    Lastly... have fun! Don't make it a chore. If you keep accurate, don't deny yourself, and don't go crazy with sweets, you'll quickly get used to it and even get a little creative so you find 'better' alternatives to your cravings, and start to get a good idea of the portions you're eating when you're eating out or something and it's impossible to weigh stuff. You'll soon learn what fills you up and keeps you full, and be able to pace yourself so you don't feel starving between meals.

    Good luck! :smiley:
  • mariposa2007
    Hi! I'm 26 years old; 5'9" and 210lbs starting out. Now 135lbs. Lowest weight a half year ago was 125lbs.

    I actually ended up losing 70lbs In my first 9 months, this became a 90lb weight loss three months after that & now a year later I have gained back 10lbs (and look a lot healthier).

    I lost it all so quickly by becoming a vegetarian. I actually even went full vegan for 4 months and gave up a lot of crap food and discovered a lot of healthy foods I was missing. I also began distance running & can now run 6 miles in my sleep. I've recently included weight training and have noticed increased strength and endurance on my runs.

    For some people, a totally revamped diet can be scary or unappealing -- but for me it was the greatest decision I've ever made for my life. I don't miss meat at all, the look of it actually disgusts me now. I've had increased energy, most enthusiasm for life, and I'm healthier than I've ever been.
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