masch006 Member


  • Just two extra minutes a day on the treadmill or an extra lap around my building at work is all I need to reach my goal. I can do this and so can you new_me_4. Think of the small increases each day and you will meet your goal in no time. I struggle too, but I need to do this.
  • After a stressful week I ate comfort food last night and didn't put any extra time in at the gym. Had a good nights sleep and today I am back on track! Healthy eating and exercise.
  • I learned about WOE from a FB page. I had no idea what it meant before that either. Thanks goodness for sugar free candy yesterday!! I wanted something sweet so badly and what kept running through my mind were all my old go to's....toast with butter and honey, dove chocolate, ice cream....... I even walked into the…
  • Way of eating, as opposed to dieting.
  • I am about the same weight and there doesn't seem to be any problem with biking. The only thing that was recommended to me was not to use the skinny tires, which are not really designed for leisure riding anyways.
  • I did use part of that 2 hours as motivation to exercise. Stationary bike in front of the tv.
  • I'm 50+ and about 125lbs over weight. I saw this motivational board and thought I'd say hi. I have one major issue and that's binging in the afternoon. I can"t seem to curb those 4pm hunger pangs. Any suggestions. I do try to nibble a healthy snack, but it doesn't seem to help. I can't really eat dinner that early.
  • I did wonder if they could have done some sort of physical activity while in the room. Even playing the pinball machines would have had them moving a little. I did like the fact that orange juice was poured over the food to avoid temptation. Of course in real life that's not necessarily an option. You have to learn to say…