Biggest Loser thoughts



  • masch006
    masch006 Posts: 11 Member
    I did wonder if they could have done some sort of physical activity while in the room. Even playing the pinball machines would have had them moving a little.
    I did like the fact that orange juice was poured over the food to avoid temptation. Of course in real life that's not necessarily an option. You have to learn to say "NO" and opt for something healthy. In the case of our children we have to be the ones to provide the healthy snacks.
  • I actually watched that same episode last week. With me myself having a type of eating disorder, I thought at first that it would be a crazy idea for the contestants to have to go into that room. Then as I thought about it, it's actually a good challage for a persons mind. For me, I'm been in a similar situation before and although it was tough, it actually got me to realize after a while that I didn't need to eat everything I saw. Yes it was tempting, but I was still able to hold back. It then taught me later that I can do the same things in my home while everyone else is eating something that may look really good.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    we also cracked up last night because they kept making a big deal about the 4 hours of TV that kids watch....and the show itself is 2 hours long.
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    I couldn't watch it. I saw a commercial where Julian was hanging off one of the contestants back. I thought...'what the crap?!' I guess I just feel like its cruel and unrealistic. Then again, it is a show, and they choose to be on it. I just don't find it inspiring or entertaining. To each his own.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    we also cracked up last night because they kept making a big deal about the 4 hours of TV that kids watch....and the show itself is 2 hours long.

    lol I thought the same thing. This is the first year I'm watching this show, and I had no idea it would be 2 hours every week. It's really draining, so I might stop watching!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    we also cracked up last night because they kept making a big deal about the 4 hours of TV that kids watch....and the show itself is 2 hours long.

    I don't have able so I can catch it up on Hulu the next day and its only 1 hour and 20 some odd minutes. Woohoo I saved some lazy couch time. :laugh:
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    it definitely doesnt need to be that long.....I could have done with 30 minutes of it!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Also, what is with the disappointment of losing 2 pounds? I know they want to lose it asap, but a loss is a loss. They make people feel like they are failing if they don't have a high loss each week.

    Yes! I was going to bring this up. Losing 2 pounds a week is healthy. Losing more than that is extreme. That's what bothers me. I do like watching the workouts and seeing how hard people push themselves. I wish they would focus more on nutrition since that is the biggest factor in losing weight. I didn't really watch the junk food room part. I did my laundry instead. :-) I also think they should do more with the psychology of it. People are overweight for a reason and you can't change until you figure out why.
  • jasper4848
    jasper4848 Posts: 15 Member
    I missed the working out to a deck of cards.....what was that?
  • jasper4848
    jasper4848 Posts: 15 Member
    I walk my treadmill while watching biggest looser!
  • Wende3
    Wende3 Posts: 41
    I agree with all of these comments. I didn't understand why they didn't do some type of exercise either. I like the show but not a fan of the therapy. I think addiction to food is the hardest addiction. You can live without drugs, booze and tobacco but you need food to live. Just my thoughts.
  • froggierds
    froggierds Posts: 3 Member
    You know I am the one who watches it and every season I cry with them as I sit on my couch and watch it. I know I have health issues at first it did motivate me but after awhile food becomes the comfort again. And that I dont know how to turn off
  • I try to do my workouts when I watch it. Keeps me motivated. I wanted to throw something at the tv last night though when dude was nearly in tears after a 2lb loss. And none of the trainers stood up and said "2lbs is really a healthy weightloss." Dolvett said "At least you're loosing," but I thought they could have debunked the myth of the 13lb per week weight loss being a rational goal.
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    I don’t normally care for reality shows but I do love the Biggest Loser. As for the show last night, they were told they COULD NOT exercise. The whole point of the room was to address childhood obesity, as that is the premise for this season. As the contestants walked out of the room they talked about how sluggish they felt and how they were not motivated to work out. It was to prove a point on how not only are bad food choices, and tv (screen time) hurting our kids, but also the vicious cycle…if you sit around it is hard to get motivated to move….so exercise becomes even more difficult for kids (and sedentary adults for that matter) I think more people need to be concerned about the weight of our kids. My son is 6 ½ and blessed with my husbands quick metabolism, but he also knows what are “good foods vs. bad foods” and honestly he tells my husband when things are “bad”.

    Back to the show: They do get upset if they only loose two lbs. When a 2 lb loss a week would be tremendous for most people, when you are 250-400 lbs and obese and you are working out 4 hours or more a day, typically a 2 lb loss isn’t that much.

    I ran 3 miles at lunch yesterday, but then got home and hopped on the treadmill and did a nice power walk for 30 minutes while watching the show..I don’t have a lot of weight to lose, but this show even motivates me not to want to sit around and watch without moving…
  • CLD79
    CLD79 Posts: 53 Member
    I didn't see it so much as a food addict being locked in a room, but rather a test on the food choices. A food addict wouldn't care if the room was filled with junk food or healthy food. Had the contestants been locked in their with a bunch of fruit and a salad bar, would you have thought differently?

    My husband and I were talking to the tv saying,"Get up and move, lift the couch! Use the soda bottles as weights and lift them." My guess is there was some rule against them working out. But then again, they still could have been playing air hockey and exerting some calories!
  • jasper4848
    jasper4848 Posts: 15 Member
    Definetly one of my problems too. I read book after book to try and find's exhausting! lol
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I missed the working out to a deck of cards.....what was that?

    Bob Harper used a deck of cards to do the last chance workout with his team. He assigned a type of exercise, like burpees or lunges, to certain cards, like spades or diamonds, then a number of reps for the number, like 11 reps for the ace. For each card he threw on the floor, the team did that exercise for that number of reps, like 11 lunges.
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    I've watched the show for years, its great in some ways, I love the trainers, especially Jillian. That challenge was rough, but exactly what others said, they could of worked out!!!! Lazy people! Was it cruel, a little...did they sign up for a show at chances of $100,000 - $250, it's not going to be a day in the park eating bon-bons....they means business!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Food addiction? More like they make crappy decisions and and too lazy to exercise a modicum of will power to not continually overeat
  • Louder4
    Louder4 Posts: 57 Member
    I will admit it, I watch it every week. However, I only watch it on my dvr so I can fast forward the BS and get to the good parts- challenges, work outs and weigh ins. I do find it motivates me too. I feel like if they can workout, what's my excuse?